As soon as a House rep reaches a certain ‘status’ Dems should propel them to take out a dinosaur. Politics is different now, the House seat can be filled with another new generation media friendly person… the world needs at the moment.
This is why we must FIGHT!!!
They will continue to cheat, lie, and steal, so it isn't the time for the high road. Now, we must get down in the mud and fight back, in any way we can!
I support Schumer. This is not going to be a two week shut down. They may shut down the federal government for years, and dismantle everything. These are not normal times. Don't expect normal efforts to reverse a shut down. A shut down gives autocratic power to Musk and Trump. This is an emergency.
URGENT! Vote taking place around 1 pm.
Voters of Tomorrow just launched a one-click email tool to contact all Democratic Senators who are still undecided on the CR.
Contact them and tell them to vote NO here
Heartbreaking how our dem reps are cowards. Schumer could retire and live comfortably if people were pissed about his actions or if dirt about him came to light.
This is why Democrats keep losing, no balls. Mitch wouldn’t have flinched, but Schumer fold when he has a winning hand. The problem is Democrats overthink it. So disappointing.
How much more damage would a government shutdown do compared to what DOGE is doing? Probably not much. So what are some Democrats afraid of? Show you guys have a spine.
The idea of ending medical research and healthcare is starting to grow on me, maybe all of these obsolete dinosaurs would finally drop dead and go the fuck away.
I am so angry right now. It looks like that it’s up to us the 75 million that voted for Kamala to stand up and take our nation back from that disgusting pig Trump. It looks like we have to use what other method we can legal or not.
And the nine other Dem Senators who are "yeses" or "maybes" need to hear from all of us. This betrayal of their constituents is unconscionable and flies in the face of what the America people want. The first felon's EOs and petty actions are killing us.
I’m just gonna leave this here… no particular reason..
I was hungry and you gave me something to eat I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you invited me in I needed clothes and you clothed me I was sick and you looked after me I was in prison and you came to visit me
Putin could not have designed a better Russian asset from birth to install as leader of America’s opposition party. For your convenience, here’s Chuck’s name in Russian: Чак Шумер
What do you think of the point Sen Schumer made today: during a gov shutdown, decisions made by the executive branch are NOT subject to judicial review.
Seems very important. No recourse for shutdown firings or deleting agencies or programs. 1:40-2:10. is right under the premise that the courts will save democracy. They won't. He is wrong and unwilling or unable to face the reality that republicans are about to finish wiping out the federal government as we know it and have already destroyed our alliances and global leadership.
Sadly Schumer knows his seat is safe, as he not due for reelection until 28. But as for being a Dem leader, remove him now before he dies more harm to the party.
Schumer’s weak leadership at such a critical moment will only encourage Trump and his allies. If Senate Democrats don’t act now, they don't just look weak, but complicit.
The question is: do enough Senate Democrats have the courage to act? The anger is there, but without a clear push from within the party and public pressure, Schumer might survive simply because no one steps up to challenge him.
Senate Democrats need to prove they have a spine. If they don’t act, they risk becoming irrelevant while Trump and his allies steamroll over them.
This is their moment to fight or fold; and if they fold, they could seriously damage their credibility.
The only way to prove they are serious is to force a leadership vote immediately. If they let this slide, it sets a dangerous precedent: that even in the face of a national crisis, they won’t remove a leader who caves to Republican pressure.
There is the proof that the neoliberals do not understand how to wield power and that they do not give a shit about the people. Get rid of Schumer and Jeffries. Put an actual left leaning politician in charge.
They will continue to cheat, lie, and steal, so it isn't the time for the high road. Now, we must get down in the mud and fight back, in any way we can!
Even John Osoff, who is in the very purple, lean red state of Georgia voted against this.
Like everyone else is saying - what the fuck, Chuck?
Voters of Tomorrow just launched a one-click email tool to contact all Democratic Senators who are still undecided on the CR.
Contact them and tell them to vote NO here
Are USA 🇺🇸 lost for us
What does this tell you?
He need to move aside or be removed !
Chamberlain moment !!
Pass the fucking baton if you've lost the will to fight.
Your old road is rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand
'Cause the times, they are a-changin'
- Bob Dylan
I was hungry and you gave me something to eat I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you invited me in I needed clothes and you clothed me I was sick and you looked after me I was in prison and you came to visit me
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but some names will be remembered more easily than others
What do you think of the point Sen Schumer made today: during a gov shutdown, decisions made by the executive branch are NOT subject to judicial review.
Seems very important. No recourse for shutdown firings or deleting agencies or programs. 1:40-2:10.
Is it to cause increased division within the democrats and the rebellion ?
Never ever trust the Nazis.
Why acquiesce now?
We have to get rid of all of these elderly, spineless, multimillionaire senators who have no connection to the lives of their constituents.
They are clueless, no fire in the belly and running off a failed playbook from 20 years ago
This is their moment to fight or fold; and if they fold, they could seriously damage their credibility.
#DemRevolt #CluckSchumer
When you have the ace card you don't fold - unforgivable.
AOC for senate!
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
In the meantime, he could be writing EOs left and right, destroying more government agencies, programs, etc.
That is what I have understood of all these, maybe I am wrong.
Unfortunately, I’m out of state
Do you even RECOGNIZE this party anymore?!?
With few exceptions- who are these weak ass dems?!?