I wish Senate Dems would vote to replace him with a more aggressive Dem leader, one that is ready to stand up to the lawless Republicans and their on-going fuckery, but that would take big ka-hoo-nas and a majority.
Why are you sad to say it? It’s past time, he’s run his course and is no longer capable of being a leader. Not sad, just realistic. We need a new Senate minority leader NOW.
Regardless of whether or not he made the right call, it's inarguable that he failed to bring both his colleagues and his constituents over to his way of thinking.
@schumer.senate.gov is nothing but Tom Hagen in The Godfather. He is not a wartime consiglieri!
I can't fathom, that Schumer can't see, that the GOP, Adolf Musk and FOTUS will do, as they please, no matter, how he votes. Why not put a spanner in the cogs??
I'm not. For @schumer.senate.gov to even consider voting yes on cloture is a betrayal to the American people. Demand his resignation.
☎️: 202-224-3121
Demand our voices be heard.
If any sane person wants to listen to BS, we can listen to the republicans! Dems need to grow a spine and vote NO! Make republicans come up with a fair resolution! Otherwise we are doing exactly what the Felon wants Ukraine to do, be happy we are only being raped instead of murdered!
This feeble old man has had a fork in him for the last 20 years. He takes the path of least resistance while he's making millions of dollars on the backs of the taxpayers. Must be nice to have a schedule to work less than $130 days a year and make an ass load of money to do nothing but suck dick
Fascists are shredding the Constitution at full speed. Any illusion of a peaceful transition is pure fantasy!
they rule through crime and will cling to power at any cost, fearing justice and the people's reckoning.
@schumer.senate.gov has been in the Senate since 1999. It is time for him to retire and allow the next generation to lead. Baby boomers need to learn when to stand aside and let go of power!
Then he should stand up and say, "My family is being threatened. If anything happens to them it is because I am refusing to do xyz". Failure to do so makes him a traitor to not just his constituents, but all of America.
I’m still amazed how politicians say it’s their decision. Isn’t a politicians job to do the bidding of thief constituents that elected them? I’m guessing his constituents might vote differently, therefore he should. It really isn’t his decision to make, right?
“the bank robber was cornered and the crowd was upset. However I think we should allow the bank robber to leave since he said he would help make sure the bank cannot be robbed again in six months. There was just no other way given the situation! The crowd doesn’t understand the long game!”
It is basically just all politics. In normal times a shit down is a legit threat and leverage. Here, not so much since they’re pretty keen on decimating the gov anyway.
It’s more a question of how ya wanna lose.
People need to start accepting that the federal government is fundamentally broken.
He is saying he is voting to stop a government shutdown. The government has been gutted over the past 60 days what is left to shut down. #schumerhastogo
Democrats really need to rethink their power structure because it seems in the Senate the last few leaders have been so out of touch to what's going on with the Base and on the Street. That goes for those running for President as well, Kamala should have asked for a recount on general principles.
@schumer.senate.gov we need a #NewSenateMinorityLeader today …If you think the magas are getting booed just wait, the ceiling is coming down! #Betrayal
Rot starts at the top. Once Bernie and progressives attain their true spot at the top of the “ new opposition” Dem. Party and Schumer and Slotkin types fade away we may have a fighting chance.
Don't be sorry. So many of them, both Republicans and Democrats, need to go. They're dinosaurs holding up progress. We need term limits AND age limits.
The root of the problem is age. When you’re Chuck's age there is little to look forward to, so you look back and you try to hang on to what was. Young people don’t look back, they look forward. Instead of what was, they see what is, and dream about what could be. Now more than ever we need dreamers!
Point taken. They're built different! I'm a fan of all three and no spring chicken myself. I'm just saying that that generally a person's ferocity is commensurate to the skin that they have in the game. Young folks got more at stake.
Yep. Term limits are needed in the USA. I have never seen SO many elderly ppl in a position of power; in all three branches of government. I remember the jokes when Reagan turned 70. These days, 70 isn't that old. But the govt is loaded with 75-80+ ppl. Retirement rules are long overdue.
Nothing to be sorry about!
Schumer is a failed leader and has been for awhile. Chuck is
comfy w/his taxpayer funded healthcare, pension, and big donor grift. his failure to meet this critical moment for our beloved country is a disgrace and embarrassment.
He must step down from leadership NOW,
Same thought. I really liked her as leader, but , I was furious that she did that publicly. Joe deserved more respect than that. I’m not forgetting that even though I think it was good that she put out this stmt. problem is Schumer is too arrogant to listen.
I’m not forgiving any of them-lol. If they had concerns they should have done it 6-9 mos BEFORE and in private. I had no issues supporting Kamala- I love her. But, Joe served the people his entire life and deserved more respect.
Joe should never have run in the first place. I was obvious that his age was a massive problem. Those close to him should have told him this before he announced.
In private. That’s my point. You respect him enough to have the conversation well ahead of the election and out of the public arena. That said….. it was hypocritical to label one guy as too old when the other one is relatively the same age and crazy.
I'd pick Warren to replace him. She would probably not win a caucus vote. I want a fiery progressive in the job. I understand the Democrats would probably pick a more moderate senator.
The Democratic Party’s problems are not about being moderate or left. Thats a strawman
The problems are in party organization, the culture of “it’s their turn” nominations, candidate recruitment, gerontocracy, inability to shape media topics, and coming off hella lame
Do you think the other Senate Dems have the initiative to actually dump him? What does it take to remove a minority leader from that role even? Asking for my friend, Tammy Baldwin.
Schumer is a gutless coward and needs to go. I would love to see AOC primary him. She would get tons of $ contributions for that campaign, some from me
They already have the keys and they are already destroying our country. We must do what we can to stop them which means at the very least not approving severe cuts to programs.
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, ensure that Trump has no plans to give Alaska back to Putin. Unite Democrats and Republicans to stand firm in protecting Alaska's future.
Democrats can remove Schumer as leader by calling a caucus vote. If a majority backs removal, he’s out. They then hold a closed-door vote to elect a new leader. Desperate times.
I am not sorry to say it. I have been saying for years now that he needed to retire or at minimum step down from leadership. He is not the man for the job at this point in time.
Hey, Democratic Leadership. You know those people in every election say they have no reason to vote for Democrats because “both parties are essentially the same”? Agree with them or not, these are the moments they’re referring to.
He's such a fucking liar. I mean, they're already doing what he claims that they'll be doing if he doesn't cave on the CR. When in fact not only will it surrender a whole slew of congressional authority, and codify much of what this regime is doing but now the Dems will own it too.
He and Pelosi should have gone 30 years ago. I'm sure he's a nice man, but the two of them cut deals that are always far too generous to the other side, and they've been busy moving Dems to the right for far too long.
Beyond! There still going to do it anyway! You can be out there saying why it's shut down ever day ! The bills hurts people more then the shutdown chucky !! He Beyond the wrong person for this moment!
I agree 100% and am not sorry to say it AT ALL! @schumer.senate.gov is out of touch and weak. We need someone for today's moment. Remember how you pushed Biden to resign Chuck? Move over, let people with energy and vision lead and stop trying to stab your base in the back on the way out.
Remove @schumer.senate.gov from his leadership role, as a start, then harass the hell out of him-compel him to retire or resign! The old guard MUST GO...Enough of the greedy grifters. They're corrupt and WAY too comfortable!! 🤬
Not sure if Democrats would benefit from shutting down government but the important thing is that it is opening the door for new leadership .
If they can’t see the need for a younger , more energetic leadership they are blind
I don’t know why you’re sorry Jon. This was a spineless capitulation of Neville Chamberlain proportions. Chuck’s place in history is secured. He’s clearly unfit for leadership.
Regardless of whether or not he made the right call, it's inarguable that he failed to bring both his colleagues and his constituents over to his way of thinking.
Which, in a Leader, is cause for dismissal.
Republican gave Democrats NO VOICE for their constituents. This leaves the Democrats NO CHOICE, other than to vote NO.
I can't fathom, that Schumer can't see, that the GOP, Adolf Musk and FOTUS will do, as they please, no matter, how he votes. Why not put a spanner in the cogs??
For fucks sake, Chuckie!
He looks feeble.
It's perfect.
☎️: 202-224-3121
Demand our voices be heard.
they rule through crime and will cling to power at any cost, fearing justice and the people's reckoning.
Does shutting down the government by voting against the CR give Trump / Musk more power to enact their will?
Lots of finger pointing, but not much in the way of useful pro and con arguments to help people understand said arguments rationale.
Emotionalism outweighs pragmatism?
It’s more a question of how ya wanna lose.
People need to start accepting that the federal government is fundamentally broken.
I'll proudly say it.
Schumer is relic. We need new leadership like, yesterday
I'll be glad when dirt covers him.
doge is gutting the irs
They’re privatizing social security, it’ll cost a lot to license and transition to Fiserv, banking software, musk has venture capital people in there.
Va fired 80k veterans.
Cut income, increase expense? Y doge?
Scream that shit from the rooftops.
Schumer is a failed leader and has been for awhile. Chuck is
comfy w/his taxpayer funded healthcare, pension, and big donor grift. his failure to meet this critical moment for our beloved country is a disgrace and embarrassment.
He must step down from leadership NOW,
Asking for the Democratic party.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Fuck that cocksucker.
The problems are in party organization, the culture of “it’s their turn” nominations, candidate recruitment, gerontocracy, inability to shape media topics, and coming off hella lame
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
fuckin old white for the loss.
He's been bad for Amerikan politics for more than a decade.
@schumer.senate.gov is wrong.
If they can’t see the need for a younger , more energetic leadership they are blind
You can't have someone lead the party who sides with treason.
He’s a great senator for a different time. Not this time though. This isn’t normal times.