It is time to start getting all personal information on the ICE officers and send their information to the HAGUE! Also, revealing who these ICE criminals are publicly and to ostrizise them is more than fair. What ICE agents are doing is torturing people. Therefore, they are untrustworthy people.
Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country, they're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession
I was stranded in the PHX airport last year during the Crowdstrike debacle. It was meant to be a layover, but I was there for 24 hours without my meds. I had a bad breakdown. BUT I wasn’t detained, stripped down, criminalized and being cold showered by strangers. This is criminal!! Unforgivable.
This is reprehensible! ICE is acting like the January 6, 2021 mob just as that mob threw its weight behind a major injustice...ICE abusing green card holders will backfire...
For those of you who have never had to enter the US without a US passport, the immigration service has always had more than its fair share of obnoxious, abusive cunts who delight in humiliating and insulting travelers, green cards or not. Now they're just off their leash.
Hello friend I’m new here, I rescue and rehabilitate street dogs in a place where no one loves animals. I wish to be your friend because loving animals only left me so alone here people consider dogs and cats evil
I think this article is more of a wake up call than it is racial bias. White immigrants often think they are safe, so it’s important for them to read articles like this.
People have been pissed off as soon as Khalil was snatched from the doorway of his apartment. So the blatant statement that people are only pissed off because it’s a white person is untrue.
And guess what Dems are saying about Khalil? They are not on our side about this. I see more articles posted here about white immigrants than i do about brown sans khalil. His support group is loud. I respectfully disagree.
This should be a ‘wake up call’ to all immigrants, regardless of status. We once believed ICE only went after the black and brown. However, with this story, we can see ICE doesn’t care about skin color. ICE’s only mission is meeting their quotas, and they’ll use violence to meet those quotas.
Oh, they were always cruel behind closed doors and in their "safe spaces." Now, the venom can be spewed outwardly. There has always been resistance fighters in history. The real question is, what are the complacent people in the middle going to do?
No, they won’t panic. Leaving them to die would be fine. They’ll report an unfortunate death by natural causes. There is nobody in oversight roles of these people or their actions. Brownshirts & Gestapo did not have to worry about laws & due process. Until Trump & his regime us gone, they are safe.
And still no massive manifestations 😑 as we can see today, and for days actually, in Serbia and remember those in South Korea
I don’t understand what’s happening in US?We don’t see massive, really massive manifestations😳 What will it take to have thousands of people in the street what will it take?
When the U.S. let Putin invade Ukraine; and Israel torture, kill, bury men, women, and children alive in Gaza we set the stage for Trump (with #DNC help) to arrest, torture, and kill immigrants in the U.S. The only solution is a #ThirdParty #BattleCry to oust a dictator and ALL corrupt politicians.
Has this man be released? His rights have been violated, he was tortured, and he was subjected to other inhumane acts as a human being. His release should be immediate and officers responsible for detaining him should be arrested!
It follows how law enforcement works for missing people. A little blonde girl, all hands on deck. A child of color, maybe they ran off because of family stuff....
It’s unusual for ICE to go after white people. This article shows that if you’re anything but a white MAGA, then you have a bounty on your head. It’s wake up call for white people who think they’re safe.
We will soon have arrived at the killing times. They will come to the door, but not survive. I am waiting for the first headline. The 2nd may prove useful after all!
When this is all over, the trials are going to be lit! Nazis tried to use that defence at the Nuremberg trials "I was only doing my job". That didn't go well.
From a distance it seems incidents like this cannot be the actions of essentially decent government employees reluctantly implementing unconstitutional policies ordered by the Executive.
Rather somewhat autonomous cruelty by cruel people now empowred to be cruel.
Oh, and some of those chosen to be detained for immigration issues will likely be lost in the system. They mat end up like those children separated at the border during the 🍊🤡's first attempt at dictatorship.
I hate typing this, but detaining people for immigration "violations" can be used to leverage other nations to concede things. We will return your citizens if you do A, B, C.
Nice country under the psycho regime. Never would have thought Americans would stand for this kind of behaviour.
Dump wants it to become a mini Russia.
Read somewhere that maybe a marijuana possession violation from over a decade ago may have caught up with him in putting his US permanent residency status in jeopardy.
That's what Nazis do. This is the same pattern that Germany used in the 30s. Deploy your brown shirts to intimidate and incarcerate--and in many cases, kill-- anyone who disagrees with you. This is just the start. Look at what happened to Mahmoud Kahil. We underestimate them at our peril.
He was tortured and ICE violated the simple manual that tells them how medical needs and screening MUST be addressed. Sounds like ICEMAN needs to be arrested for inhumane, cruel and torture to a human being, and denying medical needs, and ignoring their own medical policies
PSYCHOPATHS Putin’s/Trump’s/Eloon’s MAGAs are a redux of PSYCHOPATH Hitler’s Nazis = psychopaths (1 in 25 persons in the general population) & their psychotic human pets.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Mark these words: ICE only attracts those people who like to cause pain and misery to other humans. THAT is the only prerequisite to being part of the Gestapo. This is fun for them. This is an aphrodisiac for them.
Does she look Latina? Perhaps she was targeted even though she was a German national vacationing in Mexico &crossing border to visit friends in America. There are Germans with biracial grandparents because Black soldiers married&had children with German citizens when stationed overseas during WWII.
Also Germany has naturalized immigrants as well who could present as Latino/a. She could have been racially profiled because of her looks. There are naturalized citizens being detained & processed for deportation in US.
Tom Homan deported a 10 yo American born cancer patient to Mexico with her immigrant parents knowing she would die without her brain cancer treatment. Trump wants to end birth right citizenship to punish little girls like her. The cruelty is the point and the weapon.
It doesn't surprise me how this young woman visiting friends was treated. After all during Trump's administration Latina immigrants detained were routinely given hysterectomies without their knowledge or consent.
Children/babies were deliberately separated kept in cages&subjected to emotional, physical and sexual abuse from their captors during 1st Trump term. They were callously exposed to COVID. Some were placed in forced adoptions by Christian adoption agencies that contracted with Trump administration.
Your oppression is their profession
I was just following orders is not a defense.
I don’t understand what’s happening in US?We don’t see massive, really massive manifestations😳 What will it take to have thousands of people in the street what will it take?
Fuck ICE!
It takes a special kind of psychopath to join ICE
The US seems to be just one quick step away from being full on NAZI. That'll likely come by day's end, if it hasn't already.
How shamefully disgusting & how far the mighty have fallen under the Leadership of a Russian Asset.
Rather somewhat autonomous cruelty by cruel people now empowred to be cruel.
It will involve sexual abuse too, so just wait for those stories to emerge.
Dump wants it to become a mini Russia.
Refining techniques
Very Nazi
No one is listening
It's truly 1930's Germany all over again and it's terrifying
Does the Ambassador to the US from Germany have anything to say about the torture of one of its citizens in US government custody?
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.