“The DoD has removed the article on Charles Roger's Medal of Honor. He served in Vietnam. Despite being wounded three times in battle, rallied his troops & led them to victory in defense of Support Base Rita. Nixon presented his Medal.
The url is changed to "deimedal.”
“The DoD has removed the article on Charles Roger's Medal of Honor. He served in Vietnam. Despite being wounded three times in battle, rallied his troops & led them to victory in defense of Support Base Rita. Nixon presented his Medal.
The url is changed to "deimedal.”
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I say we strip the commander-in-chief title from our current POTUS because of his “bone spurs”.
Temu Voldemort is deeply racist.
Do better - do not obey illegal, unconditional orders.
How many more?
They should all GTFO.
On that day, all good things WILL return, despite the Trump administration's attempts to conceal everything.
This day will probably known as "circusclown retired day"...
Constitution and should be impeached immediately.
We do not kowtow to any leader!
The president is NOT A KING.
Our government was founded with a constitution and a separation of powers.
Impeach Trump.
erase him
for he was proclaimed hero
by the American Government
no matter how you try
those whom he saved and their families
those who witnessed and record his
heroic deeds
so others know
he thought not of himself
but was selfless
choosing others lives over his own
hegseth office, pick him up and throw him out the door.
Absolutely disgraceful.
Active Duty, Guard, Reserves, and Retirees!
ALL #Veterans!
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs Yelled At Us,
"We Will Not Lie, Steal, Or Cheat-Nor Tolerate Among Us Those Who Do!"
You Know That Oath!
Act Like It Means Something!
He is an enemy of all people, even those who aren’t smart enough to realize it.
They better wake up before it’s too late and times running out!
~~~George Orwell
maybe you can translate it into inglish, do t know.. from 4th of march 2025
Those two really did run from prison sentences into the White House, Elon as much as Trump.
Honestly, how is this legal? or possible?
Wikipedia cannot fall.
It would have been enough to simply take the page offline, but someone took the extra effort to create a redirect 301 (URL redirection) in the .htacces so that we can clearly recognize the intention behind it.
Shameless evil...
These white republicans days are numbered. And if you don’t know what that means. ASK YOUR BLACK GRANDMA
But war criminals Lt. Clint Lorance, Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, and Chief Edward Gallagher that committed heinous war crimes got pardons. 😡
Let's hope those marches and demonstrations will also count for the ethical stuff too.
It's fucking embarrassing for a nation!
The only people exempt with demonstrations in the US are those going to Tesla dealerships making a fair point.
Everything else considering what your nazi government are doing is humiliating.
Historical I get the 2nd, but today? Either the military or none.
At some point America will beat civil war trying to retake their country from these Nazi buffoons.
Something they will never acquire in this lifetime. Label them Nazi Traitors on their tomb.
How petty. How jealous.
How embarrassing to the United States military services.
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Are we able to recreate True Patriots from those pages removed from this Regime's websites from the wayback pages?
So, it's either been restored or someone is trying to manufacture outrage. If it's the latter, to what end?? There is enough to justifiably rage against at the moment.
How could he even get that damn job, ain’t there no interviews or requirements?