Yes, I don’t doubt that the numbers will only go upwards as long as people are passive, too. A syndemic is the ongoing, concurrent existence of multiple epidemics. This circus will be an existential threat to >100M people, in the foreseeable.
What kind of Nazi genius causing the lose of billions to his two multi-billion dollar companies attacks to destroy all Gov. Dept. and Americans going after him?
Add in the elimination of medical research by the NIH and CDC cuts, including cutting pediatric brain cancer research, the number of deaths from now and in years to come increases exponentially. Add in cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, and school food programs, and generations to come suffer and die.
Elon Musk’s greed is LITERALLY killing millions. Cutting off U.S.A.I.D. means deaths from AIDS, vaccines, food aid, malaria, TB — and he’s FINE with it. How much blood does this man need on his hands before we say ENOUGH?! 🚨🔥
So the NYT is projecting ~4.5 million dead by tRump and fElon. I'm going to say that's a low number. Especially if bird flu or other issues are ignored or we bomb France or something else stupid.
Let's just call it a possible ~10 million lives in the breach.
and he enjoys the notoriety that goes with it. When you're completely incapable of caring for anyone else (includes spouses, children, etc) this becomes easy.
Try to imagine THAT.
The Democratic Party has imploded. 29% support is embarrassing. So I think they should continue to do all of the same things they are doing because they are clearly working wonders. 😂
Elon musk is a necrophile… he worships machines and codes to the point that he names his kids after his businesses or code. Some
Might say he is more of a mechanophile but he relishes the death he creates. Death of jobs, people’s careers, even the real deaths of people with aids probably is enough
To get him hard enough to procreate. The only other thing that probably gets him this hard is imagining himself with his machines. He probably fantasizes about fucking automatons. It’s why he doesn’t mind using his boy as a shield, as he probably relishes the imaginary glory he would receive if his…
Boy was sacrificed for his glory. He is a super sick person. That’s how he would see it. He’s a danger to his children as well as our country. There is nothing human about him. He’s incapable of it.
Is it too early to hit the lights and warm up the judges quarters at #TheHague ! Elon should face war crimes tribunal . He’s cost hundreds if not thousands of Ukrainian lives prior to these millions !
Not at all, sadly, I hate when bad history repeats itself, esp. by these
🤑🤥💩🤡s who intentionally have tried to mirror those bad historical events,then claim it's coincidence!
I say they need to be given an old history lesson by the people, on various occasions that stood up to tyrants,+dictators!
In an interview, RFK jr’s brain worm says he gets a share in some of the blame for this as well.
But to his credit, who would have thought anyone would listen to a man with a perfectly healthy brain worm constantly giving him scathing reviews in the press?
And in the grand scheme of things he did it for almost no real reason. Minimal savings. He did it for fun, to look like he was doing something, to feel relevant to the people he thought would worship him. The dead and dying are not even real to him.
And his mommy wants us to be nice to him.
Every life lost is one less mouth to feed. They don't want the competition. They want as much power and money and resources as possible and if that means people die in the process, they don't care. More for them at the buffet!
He’s a religious fanatic and an unabashed racist.
Apparently, keeping African children alive doesn’t fit into his rationalism mindset. Wonder if that’s what his ignorant twat of a mother meant when she said have kids even if you can’t afford them.
It’s not going to be WWIII. it’s going to be WWII again because there will be no phones, no Internet, and on top of that our own government will be intercepting our mail and generally not helping us.
Read these numbers again! This is estimated deaths related to the deliberate actions taken by these beings…Deaths of thousands of innocent people! Don’t shut your eyes! Look and stop them! 😰
Trump bore responsibility for a million Americans dying thanks to his COVID response. And somehow the cult was still big enough to give him a chance at another million, or more.
Don’t think I’ve said it yet today - but I really hate this nazi saluting, lying, bullying, narcissistic, psychopath, whiny man baby & major POS.
Same general thoughts apply towards FPOTUS(x34) & pUtin.
It's important to remember, Musk is imbued with power from Trump. No Trump, No Musk. This is ultimately because Trump is a colossal failure and derelict in his duty as President.
Trump/Musk think they can rationalize PASSIVE genocide, i.e. letting people die by withholding treatments for malaria isn't as evil as executing them in gas chambers. Personally I'd say either type of genocide is indicative of their sociopathy/psychopathy.
This is not merely a byproduct of the policy. This is the point. If all of these people die, the government can use the money for other purposes and enable the oligarchs to continue not being taxed. The level of evil is beyond comprehension.
This is ridiculously old-fashioned I know, but if any of these creeps ever submits to a sit-down interview with a legitimate journalist, they should be asked, with verified names & case histories, if they accept responsibility for the avoidable deaths directly caused by their decisions.
Yes, and reason many, many have been pushin' so hard, and raising ALARM!! for folk to act on!! We🧐 The People Don't condone ANY of #Trump/ #Elon 's and the #RepublicanParty 's actions against #USAid! #Mexico #Canada #Africa #Britain #France #Belgium #SouthAmerica #Asia #EasternEurope #MiddleEast
Aside from the lack of empathy, i bet there are a thousand implications for US interests in these aids that he doesn't know or understand and he didn't bother to learn about them to make more informed decisions.
Call them Elons death panels. Maybe Tesla death panels. Y’all gotta brand this shit and hammer it home. Repeat it everyday. They ask you if you’re excited about the upcoming MLB season you say “Elons death panels are killing people everyday.”
The entire GOP that encourages this are also murderers. This is without a doubt a dictatorship. Democracy is currently dead in the US and will be unless the people take to the streets and take it back.
And like FOTUS, he’ll never pay for this. There’s no more justice in this country & the people are going to reach their boiling points. How gross that FOTUS has his million dollar luncheons at Mar a Lago while the rest of the people fight for their meager benefits. How nauseating, & NOT sustainable.
They have no interest in education, kids, seniors, servicemen, poor.
They wish they would all die so they don't have to pay out. Hence putting the retiring age up to 70. Fucken slave drivers, two rich men running your life. Grew up rich, never knew the poor side or the sick.
He's gone from the guy living the tech bro dream to a DC super villian in less time than it took his daddy to leave him an emerald mine fortune, or his exs to realize he was a mentally slow, easily manipulatable man child.
I've warned Mr. Musk over and over again, but I am forbidden to intervene.
I create pleasant videos as "ordered." It was a request in January 2017 not to screw with President elect Trump. And I received a really nice letter from President Obama and I framed that one. Other POTUS letters r put up.
Yes, musk is a mass murderer.
With the stroke of a keyboard.
It probably makes him smile, because it doesn't bother him. Not even slightly.
He laughs at human traits such as empathy.
No wonder trump and putie are birds of a feather.
The blood of each and every human being here, not just numbers, is on the hands of Skum and Dumpster!
Shame on them!
They should be tried at the Hague!
He clearly doesn’t care at all. His Apartheid, far right extremist background was a perfect fit for The Heritage Foundation and the incredibly selfish slug creating havoc and destroying the country.
The Buck Stops Here (Truman) applies here. Musk is a lackey and in particular a novice level lackey in government. Trump (also a comparative novice) is Commander in Chief. Yes there are lackeys and helpers but Trump is responsible for decision making. Assign blame accordingly.
He's still posting on Twitter and comes here only when it's down. This is the dumbest (or most hypocritically selfish) strategies for opposing fascism going. Posting on the fascist website helps the fascists. Period. Giving Elon your eyeballs and those of your followers is a colossal mistake.
Jon, you just need to remember that Elon thinks poor people (and black Latino Jewish Muslim people) are parasites hampering his wealth accumulation. He likely considers this a cleansing rather than mass murder. He is evil .
If you watched the film "And the Band Played On" about the 1980s AIDS epidemic, this is what one of the researchers called "The Butchers Bill": a continuously growing list of deaths.
But the cruelty is that they will be dead since to the magats they think these people are
Expendable and have no value to them. They don’t have money to buy their products they can’t vote for them.
Tragically on point. Musk is always going on about falling birth rates, while murdering millions of babies around the world. The only difference between the babies he'll kill and the ones he wants to see born is skin color. Beyond evil.
Never mind the diseases that will come to our shores because this Aide is canceled, Ebola for 1 and another mystery hemorrhagic disease thats killing people with in 24 hrs!! Hmm what could possibly go wrong!!
I think that’s the point. As soon as we understand that Musk, the project 2025 folks, trumps inner circle, do not see these statistics as human beings/moral souls. It’s that simple they do not see these statistics as lives.
Of course, Trump/Musk are counting on the 77 million who voted for Trump not to care about any of that. Remember, they voted for a guy who vowed to put America FIRST. First means everyone else is last in their zero-sum game view of the world.
Dont forget the Felon, it is his jam, he sat by when COVID killed millions and sits by and let it happen. All Republicans in Congress should be tried in the courts for this.
What Free Speech?
Let's just call it a possible ~10 million lives in the breach.
Who is keeping track? Is there an app?
Try to imagine THAT.
Might say he is more of a mechanophile but he relishes the death he creates. Death of jobs, people’s careers, even the real deaths of people with aids probably is enough
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to find ignorant Americans.
The French had it correct in their revolution
🤑🤥💩🤡s who intentionally have tried to mirror those bad historical events,then claim it's coincidence!
I say they need to be given an old history lesson by the people, on various occasions that stood up to tyrants,+dictators!
But to his credit, who would have thought anyone would listen to a man with a perfectly healthy brain worm constantly giving him scathing reviews in the press?
And his mommy wants us to be nice to him.
Apparently, keeping African children alive doesn’t fit into his rationalism mindset. Wonder if that’s what his ignorant twat of a mother meant when she said have kids even if you can’t afford them.
He is a mass murderer, and I do NOT like it
-Elon Musks repost
When you kill one, it is a tradegy. When you kill ten million, it becomes statistics
-Josef Stalin
Musk, Trump, Republican Congress, and our courts won’t lose a wink of sleep over these avoidable deaths.
Same general thoughts apply towards FPOTUS(x34) & pUtin.
Oh, wait….
The Elon/tRump team seems fine with reducing the population of the planet.
The orange faced rapist is responsible for 400,000+ deaths by screwing up his first pandemic.
Elon will break that record by stopping food and medicine to the poorest parts of the world.
Just sayin'
They wish they would all die so they don't have to pay out. Hence putting the retiring age up to 70. Fucken slave drivers, two rich men running your life. Grew up rich, never knew the poor side or the sick.
I'm thinking Mark Rober might get a call from Elon Musk👇
8,5 million views in 24h
Biggest mass murderer in history
Surpassing his heros
Why is Mr. Musk encouraging Trump followers to have more babies? Cheap labor, replacement taxpayers or more stupid people?
Why does it seem like rich people fear poverty for themselves?
I create pleasant videos as "ordered." It was a request in January 2017 not to screw with President elect Trump. And I received a really nice letter from President Obama and I framed that one. Other POTUS letters r put up.
With the stroke of a keyboard.
It probably makes him smile, because it doesn't bother him. Not even slightly.
He laughs at human traits such as empathy.
No wonder trump and putie are birds of a feather.
Shame on them!
They should be tried at the Hague!
How many days are we into this administration compared to 1933?
I’m guessing we are on par.
Just remember it didn’t end well for them.
Expendable and have no value to them. They don’t have money to buy their products they can’t vote for them.
The estimation of another pandemic w/o vaccines in 340 million deaths worldwide.