I don’t only think president muskrat agrees, I think he ordered the orange felon to post it. He is going to make the most of that $250M he spent to buy the corrupt a$$hole.
Fun fact, Elon doesn’t have a secret service detail. There is literally no one who would give their life to protect him. He should remember that. That’s not a call to violence. That’s just facts.
As I said before…..Let me get this right, jail for damaging a Tesla, a pardon for shitting in the Capitol and beating police officers. That tells you where trump’s loyalty lies.
Why is Bernie one of the few out with the public? I don't find cowardice sad, I find it treasonous. Those in places of relative power who have enjoyed benefits for years have a duty to step up. Like parables of old: comfort the afflicted but afflict the comfortable. End Citizens United and AIPAC
That's the question I've been asking AOC, Bernie and Jasmine Crockett are the only ones fighting it's why we Started our Rage campaign the Democrats aren't fighting hard enough which is why this time it falls on the people before it's to late
Is torching a Tesla worse than storming the Capital, beating police officers and hunting for the VP? Or being convicted of 34 counts? Maybe he should be the one heading towards a foreign prison?
They might as well change the little red checkmark to a swastika, because they're not hiding it anymore. They are working on establishing the Fourth Reich.
An interesting comment I saw somewhere else speculated that EM was torching/vandalizing himself. Makes for perfect excuse to “arrest” people. Insurance pays for cars he can’t sell. Plus the media/propaganda value is A+. He gets empathy from the base and T looks tough on Crime. Makes total sense.
Every American with a conscience and a 401(k) should be on the phome with their plan administrator moving their 401k money out of any mutual fund that holds Tesla, Amazon, FB etc...
Its the absolute least they could do to stop this evil bastard and rob him of his wealth
you send one American born citizen to your prison in another country you fat orange fuck and I guarantee you will be dragged out of office and dealt with by the people
Agrees with it? Heck, he probably ORIGINATED that idea. Muskrat's been whimpering about how nobody loves him anymore. When the wealthy see people thinking "wrong" they don't have to accept that anybody is allowed to disagree with them. They have the power, and the will to stop all that.
Just the fu*king nerve of him after the unwarranted pardons he gave to dangerous, violent, hateful, terrorist thugs. Vandalize his owners cars and you're dead meat.
This is what should have happened to felon47, and there’s still time. He should be subjected to this since he thinks it’s such a good idea for people without 37 felony convictions.
Notice how many criminals are in the current administration and what they think is fair for cars being vandalized. If that’s for cars, then what do those running the country deserve for their sexual assaults, stealing, and bad business deals?
I agree with you!! Two teens just died in an accident and caused the cybertuck to go on fire. They couldn’t be rescued because once the power is off the door handles won’t open! I’d sue you for everything you’re supposedly worth! Just a POS 💩🤬
He agrees because he wrote it or at least dictated it. The boss does not own the educational writing skills to formulate a proper and complete sentence. 🤔
Trumps a deranged psychopath who should have been thrown in Guantanamo 3-4 years ago after he led the Jan 6th invasion of the Capitol. It’s been 9yrs of hell for America and the end is nowhere in sight! He’s trying to destroy America for his master Putin. If Democrats remain silent, we’re screwed!
I think it goes without question that Musk agrees with this. Hell, he probably wrote it, or told the president to post it. Such a shameful display of what used to be the most prestigious office in the world; I hope one day to see THEM locked up...
Trump is an obsessive type, gets a thought, however wrong , sticks to it no matter, like Tariffs, now it’s all things Elon and Tariffs. Would bet that Elon has given Trump undeclared $$. Elon is the one feeding Dan Scavino/Trump what to post.
A sadist for President. We've fallen so far. And meanwhile, the thugs who beat cops for hours get a J6 chorus and a glorious pat on the back by Orange Caligula. He is one sick human being.
You had better arm yourselves....the Brownshirts are coming for you....these are not idle threats and they will make an excuse to jail you based on party affiliation.
🤜Fuck you!🖕
We hope they burn that South Afreakin son of a bitch to the fuckin ground! We feel the same way about the Whitehouse asshole! So! Take your threats and shove-em back in your sorry ass where they belong Motherfucker!🤛
Yes, because we all know the proper sentence for vandalizing cars is 20 years but vandalizing the halls of congress, fraud, treason and rape is reelection.
We already know Musk would have people jailed for even speaking bad about Teslas. How do we know? Because he already does it in China. They jail people for “slander” for being critical of Tesla when they break down.
The cars are covered in cameras, the dealerships are covered in cameras- you’re telling me they don’t know who did this?
Have we forgotten the well tested way to get out of a sinking ship-insurance fraud? Little tin foil of me, but math is not mathing very well. Not saying to do insurance fraud.
Some people, it’s like, Listen, I understand if you don’t want to buy our product, but you don’t have to burn it down. This is psycho, Musk said. Stop being psycho, OK
Musk should take his own advice. He doesn’t like the US government but he doesn’t have to burn it down. He should stop being psycho
Convicted of 34 felonies should get you 20 years. Only a loudmouth, lying, ex president can skate from serious crimes. Did he ever pay his back taxes? No. #TwoTierJustice
Democrats built Tesla
Republicans have wanted to tank it since its inception. Trump took to his own Truth Social app to go on a festive rant against all that he thought was wrong with the world. Among those on his list were the “evil and ‘sick’ THUGS” pushing for “electric car lunacy” in the US. “
The fact that he’s bragging about inhumane conditions is sickening. It’s just a matter of time that other countries who citizens are being detained start implementing sanctions on the US. Will he be tried for war crimes since he routinely declares we are at war and detains without due process?
I do. But am I misinformed or is it illegal to send Americans, particularly ones denied due process, to a foreign prison? It's one thing to subcontract prisons to American private operators (even tho I also disagree with that) but to send them out of the country to a prison w/ no US oversight?
A great country is a country where people are free to do whatever they want with their bodies & personal lives, where politicians serve all voters in a real democracy, where all people are equal, regardless of money, gender, race & belief, & where religions stay at home & places of worship only.
& who is sending back the women because “they may torture innocent men but not women” ??? Even the El Salvadoran government has more integrity than FOTUS
Not to worry, am partial to the Nag Hamadi texts, which tell another story. But if ever there was an antichrist, trump surely fits the bill. Maga christians are there own ignorant breed, and it's a good bet that Christ himself would disown them. Don't remember him preaching hate.
They're probably the ones setting them on fire. Trying to blame it on others. They're sick, psychotic sociopaths and megalomaniacs, and probably why all the republicans are afraid of them.
Well, that would make sense. Trump loves Orban & Putin & is following in their footsteps. In 1999, Putin orchestrated all of those apartment building bombings which led to the war in Chechnya & increased his popularity. Also, the Nazis did the Reichstag fire (and we know Trump is a big Hitler fan).
Trump calling J6 attackers 'heroes' but Tesla burners domestic terrorists is the biggest bullshit. They're both examples of terrorism. Let's not mince our words here, America.
Its the absolute least they could do to stop this evil bastard and rob him of his wealth
Who would like to live in less interesting times? ✋
Musk gave Trump hundreds of millions of dollars, and Trump lets Musk do whatever the hell he wants to do.
Musk is not eligible to be POTUS so he just purchased the office. 🙃
I don't know what people think posting all day is gonna do.
I wish I didn't have to be this fucking cynical, but we've literally seen this before.
cry like the bitches they are.
This is beyond horrifying
May 9, 2023: Jury - LIABLE FOR SEXUAL ABUSE.
He Is Forever-
May 30, 2024: Jury - GUILTY OF 34 FELONIES.
He Is Forever-
JANUARY 10, 2025: Judge Passes Sentence on Felony Convictions.
He Is Forever-
Are you sneaking in his psychological and psychosocial warfare?
Trump and Musk have been taking their meds from JFK JR.
We hope they burn that South Afreakin son of a bitch to the fuckin ground! We feel the same way about the Whitehouse asshole! So! Take your threats and shove-em back in your sorry ass where they belong Motherfucker!🤛
Have we forgotten the well tested way to get out of a sinking ship-insurance fraud? Little tin foil of me, but math is not mathing very well. Not saying to do insurance fraud.
Not an original idea.
Musk should take his own advice. He doesn’t like the US government but he doesn’t have to burn it down. He should stop being psycho
And this proves he knows exactly what he’s doing.
Donnie is a racist and to him it wasn't a crime.
Pardon on it's way
No one was deported, they were SOLD
It's "hang 'em high!" for their property being vandalized.
Less than nine months later, and Maga loves Tesla electric vehicles
Republicans have wanted to tank it since its inception. Trump took to his own Truth Social app to go on a festive rant against all that he thought was wrong with the world. Among those on his list were the “evil and ‘sick’ THUGS” pushing for “electric car lunacy” in the US. “
Less than nine months later, and Maga loves Tesla electric vehicles
WHAT HAS THIS FAT FUCK DONE TO OUR COUNTRY? Fuck you fuck you fuck you and your special toy Elon....🖕🖕🖕🖕
He’d ship people there just for criticizing him or Tesla.
I can call myself Batman, doesn’t mean it’s true.
Trump calling J6 attackers 'heroes' but Tesla burners domestic terrorists is the biggest bullshit. They're both examples of terrorism. Let's not mince our words here, America.
They're both examples of terrorism.