NASA drops its plan to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon. That promise was a central plank to the space agency’s Artemis program, which is scheduled to return humans to the lunar surface in 2027. 🌖
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Guess Biff killed the space program too.
I shall call the space between Biffs ears the Gulf of no, matter.
We must demand that he and his thugs leave the White House immediately.
We can't count on Congress - it must be we the people.
I'm not surprised. One day, I would like to be surprised. I am so sick and tired of women, people of color, Indigenous people, and other marginalized groups being treated like secondhand citizens.
💯 But we're not the minority.
We, collectively, are what mostly white, sadly, inadequate, insecure men fear.
Our strength is being US. Fxxk these monsters.
Our grandparents fought these Fascists before, and won.
Women fought for the right to vote. Slavery is abolished. Equality is forever. Resist
You know you can buy soil that imitates moon soil to help them with the science of agriculture on the moon? They really should use it to see if they can grow a pair in it. I doubt it though...
Well, Nasa, has a long proud history of being anti women in space. This must feel for them like a wonderful trip back to their roots. Patriarchy in science is just doing what patriarchy does. If the "men" of Nasa, had any balls they would resign over this and appoint a woman as head of Nasa.
Because we all know how many DEI astronauts there are in NASA. I mean come on, the training has to be completely toned down for DEI hires. We all get it.
The American people must organize and act. Project 25 will send women back to domestic chores and black people back to separate and unequal. Can’t count on Congress. Courts take too long and enforcement longer if at all.
I suspect that information will be removed from the curriculum soon enough based on the current evidence of the Trump administrations cushet white male washing of history.
Newsflash: it wasn’t in the curriculum. It cane from Hollywood in the form of a movie. What does it say about a society when the movie industry provides a more accurate education than the education system run by old white men?
I get what you said, and didn’t mean it as a dig to you or that your comments were insufficient or incorrect. I was commenting to those who might think that we taught, at least in the south, anything about intelligent people of color. In texas they can’t teach that the civil war was about slavery.
I was wondering how long it was going to take shit-for-brains to order a halt to this. Another great historical moment destroyed by the orange scumbag.
Definitely an example of waste.
Personally, that money would be better served helping Americans on Earth. Too bad the powers that be would only divert it to the billionaires.
Such a shame- they had created the graphic novel series, “First Woman” for this purpose as well, with a core message for kids that representation matters. It no longer does to this administration, whose rejection of DEI means they only embrace uniformity, inequity and exclusion.
BLOG: We are heading into a dark time of great cowardice and capitulation. As I explain here, most people and institutions will simply submit when attacked by the coercive Trump/Musk state. It happened in Nazi Germany and it is happening in the US.
You know, if America starts World War III, and we get our asses kicked, you know there won’t be no race for the American scientists like there was a Nazi Germany. We’re too fucking stupid to be considered credible in anything. Especially science.
Disagree. The fleeting public sector is independent from industry. The flight out of the country if America puts boots on the ground against our allies will be spectacular. Like nothing the world has ever seen.
A Maas exodus would not be,as easy as you make it sound.
Airports,ports, and border crossings would be shut down immediately by the regime.
Those that do get out will be leaving with only the clothes on their backs.
History has taught us that tyrannies do not make it easy,
What you are describing has never happened to a country with the size and wealth of the United States. You could fly in and out of Nazi Germany if you wanted.
I agree with you. It would be on the level of a summer blockbuster movie. And if directed by Steven Spielberg, it would be one of the greatest movies of all time.
I wonder if other countries will start seeing dem voters, federal, & public sector workers from America as political refugees? I would.
I've got 32 years of experience. I'm somewhat well known in my industry. I'm trying like hell to emigrate. It's unsafe for my family in the US. Europe, LATAM, and APAC are all going to win in this. The US will lose.
Who couldn't see this coming! There was a female fighter pilot that was better than John Glenn, but Glenn & NASA made a rule that a woman could not be an astronaut!
Oh my god they might contaminate the place! Can’t have that can we? Back to the bad old days, white males only. Lord knows white men haven’t fucked anything up, huh?
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
That part of the plan will be gone next week. Especially since its getting news coverage. Can't have DEI at NASA so it'll be an all white crew and more than likely all male although they are somewhat willing to put a token woman out there in these situations.
I expect they have not so many free seats than white nationalist Nazis.
But at least they could choose to give all seats to Trump, Musk, Vance and Zuckerberg maybe there's also an emergency seat for Bezos. Okay, Bannon had to be in the trailer...
I will never forgive anyone in this administration, and anyone that still supports it now for the damage that has already been caused to our nation. There should be no place in this country for bigots, we were made great in the first place thanks to "foreigners" and immigrants. Send THEM all to ES
So, are Felon tRump and Eloise the Muck shutting down NASA because NASA had planned to put the first woman and first woman of color on the moon? Sounds suspicious to me.
I read that wrong initially. I thought it Said we were planning on having the first woman and person of color on the moon. Of course Trump forgets we never would have been on the moon in the first place without the skills of an Amazing Black woman!
But how could a woman do that difficult and skilled task?
Then ask yourself how could a black woman do it!
Speech that any republican would make!
DEI for ever!
"Return humans to the moon," is a very suspect phrase. Based on the US's quickly dropping global reputation, I'd say that maybe you guys should be a lot more forthcoming with your "evidence."
Will they change the program’s name, too? After all, isn’t it too much to expect these fragile white dudes to participate in something named for an Ancient Greek goddess?
The whole Artemis program is simply a make work project for aerospace companies. It involves subcontractors in just about every congressional district in the country. It is Congressional pork at the grandest scale imaginable. It should be eliminated.
I mean, just the SLS alone is a colossal waste. They take reusable space shuttle rockets that cost hundreds of $millions because they are reusable, and they use them once and throw them in the ocean. They're going to use a SpaceX Starship as the moon lander and it can't even reach Earth orbit yet.
In case the Starship doesn't work out, they've given another contract to Blue Origin to develop a moon lander as a backup. Blue Origin hasn't gotten anything into Earth orbit.
Now mind you, the plan is to have the starship launch from earth, transfer to lunar orbit, and wait there for the SLS rocket to take the Orion capsule to lunar orbit. There, the Artemis astronauts will rendezvous with the Starship, space walk over to it, and use it to land on the Moon.
Why not just ride on the Starship all the way from Earth to the moon? If it can get itself to lunar orbit and can get astronauts to the lunar surface and back, what do you need SLS and Orion for?
Artemis is a colossal waste of taxpayer money. And if NASA isn't going to support DEI, #DefundNASA.
I mean we know medical research focused on white college students (traditional study participants) has led to dosing being wrong for women & that it’s left out considerations other ethnic groups face.
Why not land some non-white non-men on the moon? See if it affects different people differently?
Every single white MAGA Republican is a white supremacist racist. You can tell by how they have twisted DEI into a license to blatantly discriminate against anyone who isn't white.
You'd have to be insane if you were a woman or person of color to let crazies like trump and elon to send you up in crazies rockets .fucking insane cracker jack devils.
Have they deleted Sally Ride's achievements from their records? What about the women of color who worked on the calculations that aided in the flight and return of Apollo spacecraft?
Or all the non-white men who bravely contributed?
America is not going to pay for healthcare, housing, social security, school lunches, etc... But you want to send humans to the Moon? For what?
You know, there are good reasons why we haven't had any visitors from other planets, they take one look at the mess we've created and turn back!
Would someone please explain to me why it's so important to go to the Moon? What is there, or is it just another way for rich white folks to spend some of the money they have socked away for a rainy day? Or perhaps it's a place for the the new world war, in our solar system? Lots of options?
spokesperson for NASA stated for the record ... "NASA can't be having any women or astronauts of color landing on the moon before the white astronauts get there first." The NASA spokesman stated "ain't no dang niggroes goin to eat moon cheese before whitey gets back there ..."
This is so disappointing. This was going to be my childhood dream fulfilled. Artemis is everything. I hate this place. I hate these petty vindictive misogynist racists.
If it makes you fee any better I don’t think Artemis III was ever going to happen the way it was planned. The mission requires technology that doesn’t even exist yet, starshit cant even get to orbit and they want to land that on the moon?
Oh well then not a single woman's taxes or a single POC taxes should be given to NASA. If they want to keep erasing people.. then they shouldn't get their taxes. Let all the white men only support the gov't with their taxes.
To be frank I’m 100% convinced all planetary exploration should be done with drones. People are too fragile and need a tremendous amount of life support. Besides Musk has been blowing up more rockets, becoming unreliable as a Tesla.
i though we already did this already. i could have sworn there were girl astronaunts in my past. maybe im imagining that but i could swear i saw them on tv long ago.
It is very telling that these people are only interested in white penis’.
If you don’t have a white penis you’re the enemy. Even better if it’s a white republican penis.
So much focus on white penis must be some type of mental disorder. Should be included in the DSM-5
What the Fuck is wrong with people? Have they no backbone? The Great White Male, who continues to be a minority in the U.S. & is too STUBBORN to ADMIT it. History will not be kind to this president and especially those who caved. Fact: We are no longer a white haven of Christianity. Praise Jesus!!
I’m absolutely fine with only white guys who work with and for Trump being sent into space on any Space X or for that matter Boeing contraption they can find or for that matter exploring to the depths of the ocean on the Titan with Ocean Gate if they got a new CEO
Everyone knows that.
I shall call the space between Biffs ears the Gulf of no, matter.
We must demand that he and his thugs leave the White House immediately.
We can't count on Congress - it must be we the people.
We, collectively, are what mostly white, sadly, inadequate, insecure men fear.
Our strength is being US. Fxxk these monsters.
Our grandparents fought these Fascists before, and won.
Women fought for the right to vote. Slavery is abolished. Equality is forever. Resist
Why do we let men run shit? We seriously need to pull an Icelandic woman's strike or something cuz this is just unacceptable.
#JanetPetro #Nasa #Administrator #HearMeRoar
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
Was hoping the first person of colour was going to be 🍊
Pretty certain they don't mention bringing them back. Part of the Doge cuts.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
NASA just lost everything.
...I'm talking about more than I suspect you are when I reference curriculum.
But you do you
Curriculum will vary from state to state, not to mention home schooling doing it's bit.
Deal with that NASA!
Send up Musk so he can practice for Mars and put him on one of his rockets…
Personally, that money would be better served helping Americans on Earth. Too bad the powers that be would only divert it to the billionaires.
Airports,ports, and border crossings would be shut down immediately by the regime.
Those that do get out will be leaving with only the clothes on their backs.
History has taught us that tyrannies do not make it easy,
Wanna bet if the military is used and all flights and ships leaving the country are stopped.
Do you really think the old rules will apply?
I admire your optimism!!!
But history tells us a different story.
I wonder if other countries will start seeing dem voters, federal, & public sector workers from America as political refugees? I would.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
But at least they could choose to give all seats to Trump, Musk, Vance and Zuckerberg maybe there's also an emergency seat for Bezos. Okay, Bannon had to be in the trailer...
Only white males will be allowed to do anything of consequence 🤦♀️
Then ask yourself how could a black woman do it!
Speech that any republican would make!
DEI for ever!
Artemis is a colossal waste of taxpayer money. And if NASA isn't going to support DEI, #DefundNASA.
Why not land some non-white non-men on the moon? See if it affects different people differently?
Why not?
Have you become racists too?
That’s tragic.
Cc: #Artemis
Or all the non-white men who bravely contributed?
Trump's already demonstrated a predilection for renaming geographical locations.
You know, there are good reasons why we haven't had any visitors from other planets, they take one look at the mess we've created and turn back!
But in that same token, we shouldn’t be giving any Chad’s a spot bc their daddy knows someone
Let it be earned 100%
If you don’t have a white penis you’re the enemy. Even better if it’s a white republican penis.
So much focus on white penis must be some type of mental disorder. Should be included in the DSM-5