Bigotry is an irrational hate. It's rational to hate MAGA and you all aren't even. 25% of the population. It isn't our fault you all are uneducated and voted against yourselves because of your irrational hate of anyone who isn't a white male.
Your know-nothing hatred against people just for being white, male, or poor (we all know what "uneducated" is code for) makes you the mirror image of Trumptards. I despise MAGA, but you deserve it.
You're acting just like MAGA. Projecting. I don't hate anyone because they are white, male, or poor. I hate people who choose to vote to destroy the lives of others because of their own racist hate and bigotry.
Not everybody lives in the USA. I don't care about Trump, while I do care about equal rights and equal opportunities. Pointing that out doesn't feel like an insult, not now and not when that guy retires in a while.