By instilling a system of charging for verification and then suckling every mouthdrooling blue check every month to cover the losses. It's breaking even with a subscription fee - something pre-Musk that Twitter did not depend on.
Yeah this almost comes off like a planted story to spread the idea that they aren't simply hemorrhaging money. Too convenient for it to drop right when stories about banks looking to offload their Twitter sale debt came out
Exactly…their debt service payments are astronomical. I don’t have an account, but last I heard most of the big advertisers did not come back. The small advertisers don’t tend to spend that much
Depends on how on the hook Elon personally is for some of these debts. If he put Tesla stock or something else as collateral like he did to buy Twitter in the first place, these loans could see real repayment.
Not really. Banks typically don't really want to hold acquisition debt for very long, usually opting to sell to outside debt investors in mere months. It's been years at this point and, while no one has disclosed the valuation, some of the investors wrote down their stakes by 75%
Since X/Twitter does not seem to have been merged or integrated into one of Musk's other companies nor was it acquired via stock swapping, it seems unlikely that any of his other properties would be subject to any bankruptcy or debt restructuring
Since he lies about everything (and since he has no concept of dollar figures below a billion), I am guessing they are losing at least 100 million a year
He really did bring comedy back. This shit is hilarious. Dude pranked the banks to torpedo Twitter for transing his kid, & it's biting him, & the banks, in the ass. Then he spends his days showing off what a loser he is on that site.
4D Jenga; you think it's collapsing, but it's falling into place.
He has unrealized stock that he's dipped into quite a bit already. That can go a long way, but it isn't limitless and has a lot of strings attached. Delaware gave him a hard time when he tried to give himself a giant cash bonus a few months ago
Maybe, just maybe, driving decent people away by turning the place into the worst cesspool imaginable wasn't such a genius idea after all?
The debt servicing alone was 1B+ per year.
There is no way that firm had a day in the black since the moment he took over. The debt service alone is the profit margin!
Since he lies about everything (and since he has no concept of dollar figures below a billion), I am guessing they are losing at least 100 million a year
4D Jenga; you think it's collapsing, but it's falling into place.