Unusual for a Reach website to do any reporting. Their articles are usually badly written rubbish, cut-and-pasted from social media, because they’ve sacked all the editors, subeditors and experienced journalists.
Reach have destroyed local news. Sooner they’re out of business, the better.
We desperately need more court reporters in this country. If anyone fancies giving us (Social Spider Community News) £30,000 we'll employ a crime reporter to cover the courts in North London. DMs open.
Not only is #plymouthlive generally unreadable, if you check the UTL comments on its articles it's no surprise that most of the nazis/fascists at that riot were local.
I'm from #plymouthuk and thought we were quite nice people, but Reach local makes me wonder.
I've known Plymouth for over 40 years and, as an outsider, I can say it's full of bigots. This might explain why the arts, music, environmental scenes down there are stifled by apathy and ignorance, moreso than most. Many try to uplift the city from its townie mentality but it's a tough ride.
Friends&family I still have there are lovely people, and antifa too as it happens
But I think what you say is just about true of anywhere. 14 years of #fakeausterity and #brexit...
Here in the US we still haven't dealt with #trump... After all that shit, he's still neck-and-neck in the polls... wtf?
You're right on both counts. It's awful trying to find what's left of local news in this country online. There is of course a balance to be struck where ads are concerned, but where we are isn't it.
Desktop. Browser: FF or Chrom(ium). uBlock Origin extension (simple or expert mode, more granular control with latter). Or uMatrix (same guy). Or both.
I read this on a cuneiform clay tablet and thought it was great.
Reach have destroyed local news. Sooner they’re out of business, the better.
Must be the first proper journalism from Reach as well.
I'm from #plymouthuk and thought we were quite nice people, but Reach local makes me wonder.
But I think what you say is just about true of anywhere. 14 years of #fakeausterity and #brexit...
Here in the US we still haven't dealt with #trump... After all that shit, he's still neck-and-neck in the polls... wtf?
That said, I agree about the apathy- there is a definite underlying can’t be arsed-ness.
Hang that in the Plymouth Louvre
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