Food is not a drug. Food is a nutrient
You are craving something not because it’s pathological & needs to be corrected
You are craving something because your body is dysregulated & needs something
Sugar and carbs give you dopamine, feed your critical thinking, & boosts mood
You are craving something not because it’s pathological & needs to be corrected
You are craving something because your body is dysregulated & needs something
Sugar and carbs give you dopamine, feed your critical thinking, & boosts mood
The body is craving sugar because it needs sugar. And high processed foods are made systemically easier to get and cheaper than other foods so of course ppl gravitate to that
MSG - primarily used in Asian cuisine - has developed a terrible reputation in the west, but it’s just a flavor enhancer derived from seaweed.
Pubmed Central and other reputable sources confirm the same: sugar (and meats!) cause specific bacteria to overcompete, affecting the health and food choices of their host. When you crave something, biofeedback on nutrition is *part* of the picture.
Getting curious about your relationship to stress, how stress shows up physically for us, what nutrient supports which things your body needs etc
Diet culture & food/body shame puts us into a state of dysregulation & it messes with our relationships with ourselves and others
Instead of seeing food and our bodies as things we are in relationship with. That we collaborate with
I don’t deny myself those things
Most of the time, people are not talking about objective health (reducing salt or sugar for a current health condition), but anti-fatness. A fear of “over consuming” to avoid fatness
I know what my body feels like when my sugar or mood is low & I need a sweet versus how I feel when I’m stressed & my mouth wants crunchy salty
I can feel the sugar, carbs, salt, etc do their thing and I stop when my body got what it came for
And then I check in with myself again and move on to the next thing my body needs
It’s a relationship.
Might start with chips but realize I need a muffin or peanut butter
I’ll add somatic tools like grounding or bilateral stimulation to make the food experience better