Maybe the problem is with those young men rather than with the party or Kamala. My son is a 22yo cis white male and voted for Kamala. He loved Kamala, despite being Libertarian. He watched the debate, did some research, and became a strong Kamala supporter.
Back in my day, big hair bands heavily appealed to women. But those concerts sold out like crazy cuz men wanted to be where the women were.
I think it says more about men that in '24, men didn't flock to where women were.
Ahhh...he's full of shit...
The idiots ..2 2 million more that voted for the child molester and women rapist..
That's why they voted for the idiot..they are him...
I think some men are just scared because they don’t have the upper hand anymore. Now they have to compete with women and POC who are just as qualified or more qualified than they are. I don’t have much sympathy for them
Oh ok so they are supposed to bro down, with Chad and the gang. Nah, white phoney Christian people didn't want a woman of color in charge. So the gop when with that and lying about the LGBTQ community. Immigration lies etc..
Why can't men just be taught to be human, not "manly"? After hundreds of years of suppressing women, now women have to be immediately sensitive to mens' needs?? Women are still fighting for EQUAL rights.
I think subconsciously, they’re afraid minorities will do to them what they’ve always done to minorities. And I’m amazed there are also so many good men who have outgrown that regressive mentality.
Now? Women have ALWAYS had to be immediately sensitive to men’s needs. We have to to tip toe around their fragile egos so as not to spook them. Anything other that 100% dominance is terrifying to them.
Like cheering for the other side because the coach did not call you out personally, out of 50 Million in the stadium, to say your one ticket made the next 4 seasons possible
I just watched the entire 15-minute interview. This guy's book was on Obama's reading list in 2022. The full interview is worth watching as it puts this quick clip in context, and also adds so much more to this important issue of struggling young men.
These comments...You can belittle, insult, dismiss young men who either voted for Trump or didn't care enough to show up to vote. But what's the end goal? People want to belong. Inner city gangs lure with that. Do we dismiss, attack, those young men, too? If not, why not? What's the difference?
It reminds me of people saying All Lives Matter instead of Black Lives Matter. Black lives are at risk. Women’s right are being focused on because women’s rights & lives are at risk. Women are losing their lives and being abused so sorry if your fragile masculinity is hurt, you choose a rapist.
I do t believe this had anything to do with masculinity. We had individuals who claimed they couldn’t find Kamala’s plans but worked overtime to find the guest list to a diddy party. Priorities and initiative was a problem as well as those that are ignorant to how government works. These people
There’s a documentary on NFLX called, Mr.McMahon. I watched that film in complete disbelief. This is where it’s coming from. Now NFLX bought into this & it was the number 1 viewed last week over everything streaming.
There r many males out there succumbing 2 their emotions. Pure weakness unleashed.
Well, maybe we should look at their fathers, who never taught them about the women's movement and remind them how unbecoming is a man who naturally thinks "what about me!!!". Sheesh
Everyone dismissing Richard here is missing what he is actually saying. He has a whole book about how Men are being left behind, it's not women bashing, he talks about issues that face black and white men.
He asks that Dems acknowledge men's issues, but what are the men's issues he's talking about? That they should continue to have unfair advantage in almost every aspect of life?
I'm a (relatively) young man and I've never felt disenfranchised by the Democratic platform because of my gender. I don't even know what "addressing men's issues" is supposed to look like.
Totally agree, it’s been the feedback on every election win or lose that minorities need to be sacrificed and all that happened was the New Deal and Civil Rights Era (and even now entire swaths of the constitution and legal precedent) were sacrificed too
I'm calling bullshit. The GOP fed on the grievances whether it's hating immigrants, POC, women, LGBTQ...vaccines, choice...etc etc etc It had little to do with "masculinity."
And how did Desi respond to this ridiculous rationale? Dems being pro-worker, expanding healthcare, investing in infrastructure, and climate change initiatives made them feel...lonely and unseen. 🥹
Great, so what we end up with is a Broligarch party full of self-dealing phonies like Trump, Musk and Johnson, who will work to take away women's rights, among others. It isn't the Dems who are full of shit.
So men's egos are fragile and they need it to be all about them. And being included as a whole when talking about issues like the economy, housing, etc. isn't enough. Got it. 👌
Maybe you all should watch the whole interview. When young men are committing suicide at a higher rate than women, when there’s a 60/40 gap between women and men in college, and are turning to Rogan, Tate, and Musk for answers, maybe we should do something about it.
"...Democratic message that basically didn't have anything for men in it..."
More accurately, didn't have anything for WHITE men, but I mostly agree. I'm just not really sure what message they could've given that's specifically JUST for men, since men already have a lot of advantages...
...over women, minorites, LGBTQ people. There are things in Dems messaging that were universal and benefited men, like with the economy. It just seems more like misogyny and racism were big keys to attracting male voters for the GOP.
BS. Let's be clear. For him men=White men. And they didn't vote that differently than they usually do. That they could not be moved to not vote for a lying, incompetent person is the most telling.
Where is his book to help all minorities and women? I'll bet there isn't one. Look at them now, mostly rich, wealthy white men who want to take all DEI initiatives away for no real reason other than to demonize the idea that we can all benefit from a diverse workforce and world. No pity.
We’re not on, nor do we want to be on everyone’s side. We are not on the side of billionaires that don’t want to pay taxes, we’re not on the side of anti-democratic fascists, we’re not on the side of white supremacists, we’re not on the side of insurrectionists, this is just a starter pack….
This is the biggest load of rubbish I ever heard in my life.
The man violated the law, abused women, committed violent insurrection, lied about election fraud, mishandled classified secrets, outed intel assets, bribed allies, weakened NATO, and aided & protected enemies of the United States.
I have learned over the years that authors only promote narratives that support their own ideals.
This is just him exploiting the Daily Show by allowing him to connect to more people than he ever could have through his biased editorials.
Good job, guys.
Also.. probably should get a man to talk to him about those man things.
No offense to Desi Lydic and I know she's very smart and perceptive but she has no reference to what men or boys think and therefore can't arguably debate what he says either.
perhaps another swing and a miss.
Here’s what I get stuck on. Let’s say men lose a constitutional right they were born with and had for 50 years. Only men lose rights in a way that ends with them dying or being criminalized for natural things. Would this be the feedback to a party that makes prominent a promise to correct it?
For fuck's sake no! You think helping women not die bleeding out in parking lots doesn't address you bro? Are you trying to plead a point that if we don't continue the spotlight on the white man you're going to take your ball and go home or worse vote for a misogynistic racist? Did I miss something?
I think it says more about men that in '24, men didn't flock to where women were.
“best birth control is a dude saying he’s a maga voter”
Bc supposedly women wouldn’t touch them with a 10’ pole
The idiots ..2 2 million more that voted for the child molester and women rapist..
That's why they voted for the idiot..they are him...
But appealing to men with the mindset that "males can be raped, too" would probably help Democrats appeal to more males.
There r many males out there succumbing 2 their emotions. Pure weakness unleashed.
Try listening and researching
& Why are they lashing out against women and minorities then? Why instead of self-help they go vote for the *actual* People who are taking opportunities away from them, billionaires? ⬇️
Maybe give metaphorical headpets or something.
CONSTANTLY acknowledge how it is the Democrats who fix Republican mistakes.
I think the men captured by this mindset clutch on to it as a rationale to justify their decisions, not the other way around.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t thin the Dems taking their foot off the pedal of being an inclusive party to cater to weak men is the answer.
how the fuck does that fit into the greater convo about women & minorities?
it doesn't, that's the point
and btw, women don't avoid men out of misandry, they do it out of legit fear of getting assaulted
maybe MEN should confront THAT instead
know who hears about rape culture & comes in w "but men too"?
literally no one here denied male SA, but they can't let anyone else speak
Finding ways to end the gendered biases associated with those jobs is the path.
In many ways, it's a prescription for killing off aspects of toxic masculinity, but without using the term.
I highly recommend cutting it for everyone, including those you're uncomfortable with.
Cut someone one inch of slack and see if it gives you room to see two things that can be true at the same time.
More accurately, didn't have anything for WHITE men, but I mostly agree. I'm just not really sure what message they could've given that's specifically JUST for men, since men already have a lot of advantages...
The man violated the law, abused women, committed violent insurrection, lied about election fraud, mishandled classified secrets, outed intel assets, bribed allies, weakened NATO, and aided & protected enemies of the United States.
This is just him exploiting the Daily Show by allowing him to connect to more people than he ever could have through his biased editorials.
Good job, guys.
Keep giving the wrong people visibility.
No offense to Desi Lydic and I know she's very smart and perceptive but she has no reference to what men or boys think and therefore can't arguably debate what he says either.
perhaps another swing and a miss.
Bc, they’ll all be BROKE and “vibes” won’t cut it anymore. Especially after trying and failing to liquidate their Satoshis