The Sham-wow guy would have been lining up to endorse the Green Card + plan. “You get your own green card for five million dollars, but if you call on our pre-recorded lines in the next few minutes we’ll double your offer and give you a free gift, that’s an incredible deal so act now!”
Disgusting. This is a clear message that he supports the rich only and whomever benefits his personal gains. The millions of poor people (including MAGA supporters) who voted for him out of ignorance have to open their eyes to the sad reality that they too are victims of this administration.
He’s like a fucking TV salesman making his pitch.. product is the the country.
He’s doling out cards for immigration privileges.. like a credit card salesman! Your country is being carved out and sold for 5M each.. for millionaires to immigrate.
What a nice way for Vlad to get his oligarch buddies into the country. Wealthy people from any other countries I'm sure just want to stay the fuck away from this shitstorm in a dumpsterfire that's going to turn into a powderkeg at some point.
This is how fucking stupid Trump is really he’s a fucking moron selling a gold card to fucking Russian assholes for $5 million and get rid of the green card what the fuck up is with their president United States you’re such a fucking dumbass really you got fucking shit for brains Donald Trump
5 Mill for citizenship...
6 Mill for citizenship w/endless voting package
7 Mill will get you both plus a Presidential Pardon™️
8 Mill to see me touch it..
He’s doling out cards for immigration privileges.. like a credit card salesman! Your country is being carved out and sold for 5M each.. for millionaires to immigrate.
Why would a millionaire immigrate to US ?
replace all those who die due to Medicare/Medicaid cuts with wealthy migrants
6 Mill for citizenship w/endless voting package
7 Mill will get you both plus a Presidential Pardon™️
8 Mill to see me touch it..
(Stupid, idiot)
Cool, now nicknames are arriving from abroad!!
Love it.