David Axelrod I can leave or take, no particularly strong feelings. James Carville, on the other hand, needs to go buy a grown-up shirt and then shut up and get offa my TV
I have wanted to move to Hawaii for a long time for a lot of reasons. But, my God, the chance to vote for Brian Schatz and call him and thank him all the time have moved to the top of the list.
The same ol same ol stopped working while maga infiltrated the uninformed with lies and deceit. They won! We need new strategies from people that understand the current climate. Musk and his teens/early 20s team are in a different wheelhouse. We need to meet and fight them there.
I'm not surprised it was Schatz. He's one of the elected Dem pols who's the most active on social media and not just in a fire and forget way. He actually engages w/ ppl on social media. Sometimes you have to be in the trenches to understand the new vibe.
The 2008 campaign is as far from politics today as the 1992 campaign was from 08. Remember the contempt the Obama people had for the Clinton operatives then?
ALT text is a written description or transcription of the visual content of an image. Screen reading software reads the ALT text for a person who can’t see the image.
Unfortunately, the software treats text, and pictures of text, differently. I suppose it has to - imagine if it said STOP every time there was a stop sign. So for any photo, including of text, it needs a separate description. I usually summarize. You can set the app to always remind you to alt text.
They are so irrelevant and out of touch. Truly part of the reason why we’re all in this mess. The definition of ‘we do it this way because we’ve always done it this way.’
One of the reasons I left the Dem party and registered Independent is that the whole party seems run by a bunch of over paid consultants “crafting messages” instead of listening to real people. And they are apparently paid quite handsomely, given their apparent lifestyles after retirement.
I respectfully disagree. There are truths that are timeless and lessons that last. I appreciate both of them for their ability to tell it like they see it.
Disagree if you want, but the proof is in the pudding. Both 2016 and 2024 were run on the Carville / Axelrod strategy of triangulation, marginalizing the left, and chasing after the “moderate GOP” unicorn.
In 2020, Biden pulled off a *narrow* win *despite* the strategy, not because of it.
I don’t know about that. I supported Obama early on, in the primaries when he was still shaking hands of most of us who showed up to hear him speak. It wasn’t at all clear that he was going to be the golden child he became.
1. Full Generation = 25-35 years. (Current avg birth age).
2. If you think anything has changed, except the mode of communication, you haven't been following 'politics' long enough.
3. But keep on keeping on, BECAUSE it's the 'new way' that keeps it going. Even if it's not 'new'. It is 'new to you'.
The most hilarious thing is how all the current Democrat strategists managed to lose in a landslide to Drumpf. Literally, every county in the country moved to the right. Good job current Democrat strategists.
In the time it took them to give their "this isn't the hill to die on" monologue about USAID, they could have actually explained to the public some of things USAID does.
It depends on house style. Modern style is without punctuation. The common rule in *British* English is all caps if each letter is pronounced (BBC, UN, USAF) and only initial capped up when pronounced as a word (Nato, Noraid, Nasa).
What would be the point in waiting for the "perfect fight?" You think there isn't Medicare fraud? Whole TEAMS are devoted to fighting Medicare fraud. Think we've never sent a Social Security check to a dead person?
Make them pay for every inch. You'll lose a lot, but you'll be in fighting shape.
Also foreign aid matters to SOME people. There is no one issue that everybody Will magically rank as the most important to rally around so fight on all issues...
I need to log off instead of typing out another very long thread that almost no one but the person I'm replying to will see, so I will just say that it is very much worth your time to search "how does foreign aid help Americans" and "benefits of soft power" & go from there.
I'm not sure he is willing to go far enough with communication. They need to scare the shit out of voters and blame every bad thing on Trump. Literally everything, all the time. There will be a lot of bad shit happening and we know Trump will blame it on Dems if they are slow to act.
Narratives need repetition to set in, and if Elon DOES go for the ACA then Democrats will benefit from having spent most of a week talking about what DOGE is doing leading up to it. Fertile ground for the "DOGE is coming for your healthcare!" fight.
Senator Schatz is a role model for all our Senators. My democratic senator is not only voting with republicans for confirmations and the immigration bill, he is also lying to reporters and constituents about his actions.
say what you will about the broader party, but it's clear that Brian and a few others genuinely get it. I've criticized stuff he's done before for this or that - sorry, that's my nature - but so much respect for this attitude.
Tuesday they were giving off real Americans hate foreign aid anyway so let's keep our powder dry and wait for something else to get mad about vibes but if you think I misinterpreted them that's a possibility.
With all due respect that’s reality. He’s old. He’s from another time. Should we ditch him- no he’s a very good public servant. But his experience doesn’t meet the current moment. There is no aisle to work across- this was Biden’s issue too. We need a new leader.
Yeah sorry what you are describing without more specifics is in fact ageism. If someone used the same vagueness about someone’s race and capabilities you’d rightly accuse them of racism.
Something that is not getting enough attention perhaps at all, the US aid workers themselves are American citizens, they’ve often been in these dangerous countries for a long amount of time, some of them have children there, and they have been abandoned with no way to leave and no US Embassy
They’ve been told to evacuate and the government is paying for their tickets home. Even the Trump admin isn’t stupid enough to not recall people it has deployed abroad. Unless you’re referring to contractors?
Marco Rubio, is a liar, a turncoat, and something of a Stockholm hostage. He wouldn’t even be allowed to tell the truth. There’s no fucking way I believe him. He is absolutely lying.
Because they are dutiful government employees, I’m sure that we’re not going to hear a peep from them, but they are trapped there nonetheless, and I don’t hear one single Republican senator saying we are going to either get those people home, or continue to ensure that they are funded & safe, #news
They sure weren’t wrong about Biden needing to not run and then Biden needing to step down. But go on, keep disrespecting your elders. They are their aged 40-something Crooked Media compadres are not your problem nor your enemies. Damn.
I'm (mumble, mumble) years older than you, and James Carville emails annoy me too. I love the opportunity to respond, when email lists ask me why I'm unsubscribing, to say "Too much Carville."
I did roll my eyes during the election every time they'd worry about Biden's age, then bring on Carville to discuss.
This is why you need to cultivate a new crop of strategists every few years. Keep the views (relatively) fresh and relevant instead of constantly going back to the old well.
We need to call this what it is. A hostile corporate take over of this country. They are stripping us for parts and destabilizing the competition along the way. They’ll pick them off next.
People set up filters for content they don’t want or can’t handle, and that kinda letter-swap, name swap stuff evades it.
Say what we mean & do our best to spell it right
I get it if it's a graphic. I don't understand if the post is all text.
Describing the graphic/photo?
Did you vote for the Trump pig???
Those two are opportunists.
Axelrod is stuck in 2008.
Carville is stuck in 1992.
The greatest service the two of them could offer the Democratic Party (and the future of American Democracy) is to STFU and get out of the way.
In 2020, Biden pulled off a *narrow* win *despite* the strategy, not because of it.
2. If you think anything has changed, except the mode of communication, you haven't been following 'politics' long enough.
3. But keep on keeping on, BECAUSE it's the 'new way' that keeps it going. Even if it's not 'new'. It is 'new to you'.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
I’m glad you think it’s funny, but bro making jokes out of ignoring strategists is a joke in and of itself, for a losing party.
Make them pay for every inch. You'll lose a lot, but you'll be in fighting shape.
Unlike grandpa chuck.
It’s not ageism it’s reality.
Now, if I were to give them the benefit of the doubt I would say maybe there are some workers that are harder to reach than others
But, DOGE can’t be trusted
So what is true?
Never believe a word he says.
I’m not someone who usually has sources, but in this situation, source is entirely credible.
I never listened to his podcast with Kelly Ann Conway (!!!), I mean, who is that podcast for??, but I imagine that ghoul is the better listen.
I always laugh when Carville pops up in Old School because even when that came out he was a relic
This is why you need to cultivate a new crop of strategists every few years. Keep the views (relatively) fresh and relevant instead of constantly going back to the old well.