what if the people who are actually doing all the social division and propaganda and hate, scapegoat you as intolerant when u actually lived a really good life helping people uplifting htem saving their lives treating people well?
honestly, its dangerous to have logic "intolerant people arent human its ok to dehumanize " cuz the people with power who really are intolerant and make intolerant people, can easily frame others.
THe reason tolerance isnt a paradox is genuinely intolerant people break the social contract directly.
#25thAmendment today.
How can we tolerate intolerance without destroying the tolerant?
Limitless tolerance is self-destructive, because the tolerated intolerant will be intolerant of the tolerant.
question is, what is the limit to tolerance?
Its not really accounting for specificities.
THe reason tolerance isnt a paradox is genuinely intolerant people break the social contract directly.
So, until an intolerant person breaks the social contract, their intolerance is either fabricated or dramatization.
If a person lives a pro social life...