It looks like my great great aunt’s musty pre-civil war antebellum house ..She never opened the windows and the smell of dead lavender cloaked the smell of mold…
Remember how the American people can barely afford eggs? Yet Donald Trump lives in his golden castle charging exorbitant amounts of money to get a photo with him.
Bet the carpet & fabric around sink is nasty. Look at tacky figurine on sink top.No wonder Magas are drawn to Trump.The are just as tacky as Trump.Looks like throw back to Tacky era.
What's with the gold skirt under the countertop? Wow, that's really cheap and old looking (like 1970s old). Not enough $ to build real cabinets, I guess.
The apron on the sink looks totally inappropriate, I wonder how often it gets cleaned & how many people have used it to wipe their hands instead of using the guest towels, lol
Wow, so OLD fashioned & tacky. This is like 19…uh, never? True grace & class is timeless, elegant and aesthetically pleasing. This screams “I’m too cheap to update my bathrooms with your exorbitant membership fees”. 🤢
What better way is there to collect all the precious rich people pee mist than a fancy carpet? Would you rather that they use a dehumidifier to gather the atmospheric juices.. like a peasant???
As someone who would be regarded by him as a peasant, I wouldn’t want to be in that bathroom or anywhere else he’d had decorated to his taste. It’s been done in the worst period of ostentation!
That curtain around the bottom of the sinks indicates that there's no cabinet down there. Now this man can afford to put a cabinet in a bathroom, so this just shows how tacky he is.
The breakfast service had elements of tacky and how they sold and served things - you could totally tell that Trump personally gave instructions
You know there’s a camera in there somewhere.
Looks like a coffin.
What's on that nasty fabric?😬🤢
on fashion and design just because you’re over 60!
“Fake rich”
Ostentatiously ornamented.
I looked up gaudy.
This also looks like my grandfather's golf club bathroom in the 1980's
100 years later, its just tacky.