Neat. So you’re a convicted felon that carries a weapon in places where it’s illegal? Or do you just break the conceal carry laws? No felonies, yet? Do you back the blue while breaking the law?
No I'm not a convicted felon.I just enjoy my constitutional protected 2nd amendment. You mean there are places where things can't be. Like fucking borders? But you good with that broken law right? Fucking hypocrite this is why you lost.
Do they care? He just left 1500 criminals out some who beat cops, 6 died from injuries or suicide..One guy was responsible for 6 deaths from his drug sales..
He doesn't care..
Still 1364 kids separated from their parents for 5 yrs;No records kept, 1/20 he disbanded Biden group trying to find parents
What we Need is true Justice For All, which would be him in a mental hospital for the criminally-insane. No one should get away with Even One Crime and still be a President, least of all Thirty-FOUR.
Sorry thing is now if he's out, there's a whole tribe of his "soldiers", actually developers of 2025 etc to carry on... Some just as cruel, crazy as he is
OK, I'm sorry, but how is a picture of this gun in front of the recently "shot" candidate not somehow...inspiring for someone with mental issues or nothing to lose? Did the ad creator not worry that they are giving people ideas?
Jesus. Yes, that school shooter in Nashville could have used this handy MAGA Victory AR-15 because he only managed to take out 2 students (including himself).🙄😬 He could have been WAY more effective.
A felon can't own a gun period. These are probably being sold by the manufacturer who will do all the initial paperwork and transfer them to a FFL in the state of purchase. (You can only send guns to licensed dealers.) The local dealer will do the 4473. (background check form)
Research shows that guns are more likely to be used against their owner than for self-defense. Studies show that people living in homes with guns face substantially higher risks of being fatally assaulted. So uh... not my circus not my monkeys. Buy away MAGA weirdos.
Alabama doesn't think they have enough blood on their hands , so they do this?? Just when you think it can't get worse for kids in school. F*ck them!!!
Of course we know those types of guns are out there.. We don't seem to know if it's his inauguration/commemorative model sold by him... His would probably cost more!
Actually, “the MAGA Patriot AR-15 was discontinued on January 6, 2025 and is now officially a collector’s edition rifle,” according to magavictoryar15’s site. (“designed to be
THE AR-15 you reach for…”)
Think of the dumbest possible thing you can conceive of someone doing, saying or purchasing and you may rest assured they have or soon will do even worse.
Disgusting. The violence is even more clearly out front now. We need to keep calling it out and not allow our lowest impulses to govern our collective social dynamics.
"No. Not acceptable." we have to say.
Just think of all the other crap he has sold. It will probably never be delivered. And if it is of the same quality it is probably more dangerous to the owner than anyone else.
Do you usually broadcast their insane propaganda so it reaches an even larger audience of people who might believe it? If so, let me know so I can unfollow. Thanks.
No, it's the magat voters..
dRumps soldiers/underlings would be doing the same... They've designed all the horrible policies.. 2025, agenda 47...
He's just a old fart puppet run by oligarchs and people like stephen miller... He's a terror!
I checked NY 🗽, DC and FL... Looks in general no but some qualifiers in each area..
He probably doesn't need one... Just selling, grifting...
Besides he'd have goons do his dirty work!
He doesn't care..
Still 1364 kids separated from their parents for 5 yrs;No records kept, 1/20 he disbanded Biden group trying to find parents
That explains this
Glee for violence.
Best sign he's a bad business man
Four years of this…
I won’t give up though. Here’s to Harris/Clinton 2028!
We have to have some decorum ourselves
They’ve done enough damage.
Some of this is sick/weird humor
Just sayin...
Criminals with free reign now... Immune
Can he csre or own a gun? In FL or DC?
Irresponsible parents with their guns... Glad some are being charged
tuberville and pious johnson.. From there!
-Karl Marx
THE AR-15 you reach for…”)
They can make scarce and more value
If he was prison raped would they sell commemorative broom handles?
"No. Not acceptable." we have to say.
From one horseperson to another.
That's about him personally
I hope if we manage to get ourselves out if this in 4 years the next person makes owning Trump memorabilia illegal. Like Germany did with Hitler.
dRumps soldiers/underlings would be doing the same... They've designed all the horrible policies.. 2025, agenda 47...
He's just a old fart puppet run by oligarchs and people like stephen miller... He's a terror!
Carlson is such a traitor to sanity... Years ago seemed he was normal.. Kinda
We know most of his grifting is ridiculous.. This is worse if true... If not he'll probably get a deal going!
Good creative job!
He probably doesn't need one... Just selling, grifting...
Besides he'd have goons do his dirty work!