A descent into complete irrationality, denial & fantasy.
I suspect we are going to look back on this neoreactionnary regime as a 'Gone with the Wind' moment
I hate trying to debate or explain to these people because they want simple answer to incredibly complex problems and societal issues! In public policy there rarely are easy answers.
I guess that means god hates Trump’s Florida land. It must he a sign that he’s evil. Maybe the republicans should do something about that. You know, for God.
"God's anger"!?! Jesus Fucking Christ these IDIOTS are embarrassing. Worse yet, they want to make POLICY based on whether or not they can intuit if Jesus/God/RapingGhost is angry or merely disappointed!
So there only two options
1. it’s the libs using a weather machine if affect Conservatives
2. It’s god wrath if affects my enemies cause god just punishing them for not being like me
Honestly even if that HAARP conspiracy was true, it's still *their side* who benefits. Well, the billionaires on their side. It wouldn't be an evil "Commie plot" to steal their land or something, it'd be THEIR people THEY support being the ones doing it.
A few weeks ago, a coworker in Houston, a Trump supporter, sent us a pic of her yard which was covered in snow, jokingly saying "What is this??" Later, was chatting with the other lib in our dept and said I really wanted to reply "Climate change." She said she'd had the same thought. We both knew it
Luke 21:11:
“There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”
Read the whole chapter—it details the end times. In the end, faux Christians lose, and good reigns forever.
Let them spend every waking hour on snipe hunts.
I suspect we are going to look back on this neoreactionnary regime as a 'Gone with the Wind' moment
Go Darwin GO!
People dont want complex answers. They want easy to understand dumb shit. Either God created it or the evil gooberment did it.
OUTLAW RELIGION as a public health hazard!
1. it’s the libs using a weather machine if affect Conservatives
2. It’s god wrath if affects my enemies cause god just punishing them for not being like me
Which is what we see happen in fact.
Trump and musk are fkn fully in charge. What who the hell is causing this conspiracy in their crazy ass fkn broken minds?
It was just a movie.
And no, that wasn’t and invocation
Mark Twain