“He never betted against himself or the other team”… that makes sense. Also Pete Rose is a pedophile. I was for Pete getting in but then I watched that HBO doc. He should never get in. Pretty awful and remorseless liar. Among other things.
After the damage this monster did to the reputation of the United States of America yesterday, and his closing message of the day (for the entire world to see) is to talk baseball?!?! Is this really happening?
Can someone get PawPaw’s phone? I think he missed The Price is Right this morning. It threw off is whole day. Maybe get him his meds? Take him golfing? That will calm him down.
This fool just spits out whatever idiocy comes to syphilitic rotting brain. Usually on the way to a golf course while Musk and Tell systematically demolish the government. Hey, look at me, not over there!
I was looking forward to baseball season, but Felon 47 can't keep his nose out of anything: NFL, MLB, NASCAR, Kennedy Center🏈⚾️🚘🎼Still upset no Emmy for "You're Fired"🤣Generational trauma issues? Please leave politics🦅
Every MLB Player is warned that betting on baseball gets you banned. Rose knew that and chose to break the rule anyway. FAFO. Even if he had 5000 hits, he should still stay banned.
Oh FFS! The embarrassing bullshit from President Fucknut's mouth and posts never ends. He can't make a simple statement..noooo. He has the need to fill his ramblings with insults and petty name calling. He is UNFIT!
Trump. trying to align reality and history to fit into his mentally disordered version. Horrific, but do these things ever end well for 'tin-pot dictators whose cognitive function has fled?
Kenesaw Mountain Landis would not approve of this lol. Rose was lucky he didn't have him as commissioner. Landis commisoned harder than Rose played lmao. And it's a shame we don't have a judge with the backbone he had today either.
Only the important issues. This guy is so sick. He needs the attention 24/7 and when he really screws up, he looks for anything to change the narrative. Shame the media won’t hold him accountable for his incompetence.
Meanwhile, Trump has been largely silent on inflation, despite Americans continuing to struggle with high costs of living. He recently posted his administration’s late plan to lower egg prices.
I never liked Rose. Now I dislike him even more. I mean when he-who-welcomes white human traffickers while caging brown farmworkers bec they didn't have papers (maybe not at all or just not when they were "grabbed"), guilt by association tells me Rose is even worse than I ever believed him to be.
Oh goody, he found something to 'whine' about today. We don't call him TODDLER for nothing. Now that he got that off his chest maybe he'll do some actual work today? Oh silly me, IT'S A GOLF DAY!
Dead American soldiers in a cemetery in northern France, laid down their lives to rid the world of Nazis, “losers and suckers.”
Dead baseball cheat who committed statutory rape with a minor and therefore was never inducted, rightly so, into the baseball HOF, presidential pardon. Trump is a disgrace.
Wtf, is this dumbass doing? Who actually gives a shit about this? Hexes and curses on anyone that voted for this buffoon. JFC, can the real adults step up and stop this jackass from killing our country?
I think it’s long past due that people understand he doesn’t care about governing. He doesn’t care about American people. He wants to be rich and talked about 24/7. This isn’t a surprise anymore. He’s not in jail. He’s golfing. That’s all he cares about.
As a baseball fan, Pete deserves to be inducted in the MLB Hall of Fame. He is already in the museum just not inducted. I feel if a 30+ indictment convicted person can be President of the USA, Pete should be Inducted in the MLB Hall of Fame.
The demented, evil despot is a yenta. He has his nose in every bit of American minutia while simultaneously selling the U.S. to Putin. He and musk despise the U.S. as is evidenced by their actions. People don't destroy what they love. We are now in the axis of evil with Putin & Kim Jong-un.
He is oblivious to what is going on in the country. His MAGA politicians are getting booed out of their town halls, all of Europe is supporting Zelensky and Ukraine. Groceries are still sky high, people are protesting in the streets and THIS is what old lard ass focuses on.
"He never betted against himself or the other team" Jesus Christ I bet Pete Rose's bookie loved him. Apparently this asshole bet on both teams to win. They didn't call him "Charlie Hustle" for nothing. Always one step ahead of the rest. Goddamn moron.
He destroyed all of the US foreign alliances yesterday, but he's posting petty bleats about baseball from decades ago? Even a normal tyrant would be gloating instead of... this.
Peter roasted it to himself nobody else. They are keeping of the White House always feels that people who know wrong and are punished don't deserve it.
I absolutely love that your president is the best golfing president we have ever had. Wasting tax payer money is what MUSK is shifting down. No more soup for you! Lolol
Suck Putin’s dick in front of the world and in the same day go on a rant about baseball hall of fame business. Fuckin super impressive! How’s that grocery bill, Sport?
If you're a fraudster, cheater, r@pist, terrorist, puppy killer, molester, wife beater, genocidal maniac, or just all-around garbage-human; Donny T. has got your back and will reward you.
What do we care about PR, a crook (like agent 47) when the world is on the brink of war (thanks to agent 47), inflation is here to stay, thousands of good, hardworking people are losing their jobs daily, planes are falling out of the sky? Agent 47 sure love his criminals.
He's an ignorant ass. "he never *betted*. JFC Betting for "your team to win" IS betting against another team.
As usual, he's trying to distract from his disastrous interaction with President Zelenskyy yesterday.
This is a distraction from how much of a failure he is, and how he just completely ruined what little dignity the US had left. Europe is now the world’s leader, and will benefit from allying with Ukraine.
You can see he's really feeling the power. Using his bully techniques to insert himself into every aspect of American lives. His opinion is worth less than the penny he wants to eradicate. In fact, shit on the street is worth more than he is.
Renaming the Gulf of Mexico, annexing Canada, picking fights with other countries, anything but fulfilling his campaign promise to bring down the cost of groceries, which he has no fucking idea how to actually do.
Am I missing something here? Rose was never federally charged with "Betting on Baseball"... He was however found guilty of Income Tax evasion (something Trump is very familiar with). So what exactly is he "pardoning" Rose of?
Its too early for infrastructure week. Trump thought he could use Zelenskyy to beat up on to make himself look tough, but instead, Zelenskyy made him look like the bitch and walked out. Now it's distraction time again and there isn't another body of water or mountain to rename so it's Pete Rose lmao
Of course Felon47 would pull this ridiculous stunt now. He loves to coddle those who brought shame to their profession especially on the heals of one of his latest epic fails (i.e. Zelenskyy owning Felon47 and his lap dog JD in the comfort of their own office.)
He must have a template he uses. Same words just change persons name and work history and associations. He was the best .. its a loser organization .. nobody got hurt .. shame shame shame ..
Wait, I already commented on the "he never BETTED against himself", and just realized he went on to say "or the other team". So he is saying that Pete Rose never bet against the other team! Pete Rose's position was just the opposite, that he never bet against HIS team.
Really, after the day of damage you made and the shame you've cause to the nation..... you're posting at 11:30pm about Pete Rose? You're a disgusting ass.
I used to think Pete Rose deserved a shot at the HOF based on his great career. I figured his sins were forgivable. Now that Trump thinks it’s a good idea, I’m not so sure…
like. that is how winning works?
You rage tweet about Pete Rose over night.
Time well spent.
THIS is what the orange traitor is thinking about?
Next: Ruining Apple Pie.
Shoeless Joe Jackson before Rose in HOF.
MLB admission of blind eye towards steroids before juicers Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Clemmens.
must have been a sports illustrated
in the shitter.
it does have pictures
Change the topic from yesterday.
Duh we've seen this move b4.
Pete Rose fucked around and found out !!
Dead baseball cheat who committed statutory rape with a minor and therefore was never inducted, rightly so, into the baseball HOF, presidential pardon. Trump is a disgrace.
Put that in The Hall of Fame!
What’s Trump’s 5D chess move here? How does coercing the baseball HOF into inducting a dead man help Americans?
…or is this just the act of a demented boomer yelling at clouds?
So he only placed bets on the opposing team to win?
If that piece of shit wasn't dead, he would have made a perfect Trump appointee.
Signed, a Phillies fan.
As usual, he's trying to distract from his disastrous interaction with President Zelenskyy yesterday.
Fixed it.
Long Live Banana Ball
Just an angry rich white man throwing his weight around on behalf of another angry white rich (deceased) man.
Finger on the pulse.
Trump's brain is so rotted that he thinks he is king of baseball.
PS Does "baseball" have a fat, lazy ass?
1) most hits by far? He had 67 more hits in over 2,700 more at bats in his career than Ty Cobb.
2) baseball is dying "all over the place" Attendance when Rose played ranged from 12,000-22,000 per game. Last two years it has averaged 29,000.
This proves that Trump actually wrote it.