Unfortunately. However, we can diminish them in our government from here going forward. We, already know they are pathological liars and will do anything for their own advantage; no one elses. Exiled to Russia would be far better; it's where they really want to be anyway. Not in America.
I’ve seen enough movies to know that thing is going to spring to life on Trump’s next birthday, murder whoever bought it, and return to its pedestal without a trace of blood on it.
They throw money around like trash also. And we can't tax them more , their buying a sheep wrapped in money with his face on it. Reminds me of Charleston Heston, Greatest story ever told. They can't even make their own shit up !
They're laughing in our faces with this shit because they know they have the evangelical vote in the bag, but can still have egregious displays of blasphemy
I think, Evangelicals are peeling off him - the devout ones, anyway. They know the devil when they see him. The wicked cannot hide their wickedness. He's in your face with it; that has to be unsettling.
I'd buy it just to burn it in front of the White House. Although it's way too expensive and I would probably get arrested by the Park Service. Oh well!
You would not believe how many “christians” I have asked to tell me the first commandment and have gotten it wrong but tell me I should read the Bible. I tell them well at least I got the part concerning the rules.
These Christians always have. They have their own God, the one that says hate thy neighbor, covet what you want from them, vengeance is theirs, kill whoever you want, money is the root of divine and only the rich go to heaven.
Like everything else with these kind, we will find out when that time comes, but I think, we are about to find out real soon once those tariff's start showing up and then, there will be hell to pay by Trump & GOP.
Ya know that dude. they used to call Jesus. and when he went carrying his cross to Calvary AKA Golgotha. well along the way they hurled insults and spat and threw shit at him .. um those same people prior to his conviction stood on the sidelines cheering him on.. two faced traitors .. yeah MAGA
So, they Jewish now? This is what Moses found the Israelites did when he came down with the Ten Commandments to defy God. I TRUST GOD; I will never trust the devil's advocate - Trump.
Why do people with more money than they know what to do with buy these things? Whether it's cars, houses, watches, etc., they buy them for status and to have something to brag about to their friends.
It is now probably proudly displayed in the coffee lobby of some huge megachurch. Looking at you, Franklin Graham, and your lightning-strike-worthy sycophancy.
Frankie bought the goat to go alongside the racist talking cow at his Billy Graham Amusement Park....
"Visitors wishing to visit Ruth’s tomb... pass through a forty-foot-tall glass entry cut in the shape of a cross and are greeted by a mechanical talking cow."
Oh dear - that would be the perfect location, wouldn't it. 🙄🐮🐐🐄 😬 Yet another very sad, strange, little man. Surely, Ruth is turning over in her grave at this bizarre tourist attraction!
I hope the names of all the people there become public. Because when this chaos is over, we need to out every one of these ppl for the shameful humans they are.
Just reboots of the Old Testament.
But mention you will identify the Anti-Christ followers by what's on their heads!
Us before it's too late!
He was sent to us from God as a test.
And man did MAGA fail!
And it was open book! 📖
Maybe they never took the shrinkwrap off their Trump
Bibles 🤔
Worked well with Tesla.
They are definitely developing a plan to reduce costs for the American people.
From a born again Christian
We will see more, they are already pushing for renaming airports and putting him on rushmore. Near as I can tell they are serious.
Keep OWNING US - so HARD!!
"Visitors wishing to visit Ruth’s tomb... pass through a forty-foot-tall glass entry cut in the shape of a cross and are greeted by a mechanical talking cow."
Where are the evangelicals?
“Nyet, I will pay rubles…..cash.”
What a crock of shit.
False idols