I hope one day he is running in fear after the damage his family is doing to this country is finally no longer tolerated. That would be the best karma.
The Trumps know nothing about fighting for their country or to save democracy. They only know how to make corrupt money on the back of hard working Americans.
*IF* this is even true, there was an opportunity to go in a completely different direction from his abusive and idiotic father. Instead, Don Jr grew to embrace it, and continues to be an even worse human being than Sr.
Ya know, I don't see a future without hate in this country, and it's very concerning to me.
I'm F'N sick & tired of MAGA & if I see one, I'll punc* em in the mouth.
If $BLIAQ https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/BLIAQ pumps on Monday, because of this, someone please visit me in the nuthouse and tell me the inmates are running the psych ward.
I look forward to reading about this butthead having a fatal over dose. Frankly, I believe his kids will feel relief. Sad to say. But the guy is a degenerate blob.
What an Utter FuckTurd!!! That whole family has NO idea about war and what goes on during it. Not a One of them served their country 🤬 I hate each and every one of them to my core. This is just as disgraceful as his Oompa Loompa Daddy.
My recent thoughts have gone dark, much to my dismay. They have never ventured into the realm where they now exist. I have lived many years, and I never imagined that my feelings/wishes would be too dark to post on social media. But I find it necessary to censor myself.
Well, after an elderly man had a hammer slammed into his skull by a deranged home intruder who supported Trump, Don Junior thought it would be hilarious to send a tweet showing a hammer and a pair of underwear to mock the situation.
When hating from your innermost core isn't enough anymore, it even gets worse when you realize morons still support this evil family and all their moronic ilks!! F#ck trump & all people around him!!
"Maxar, provider of orbital imagery, said U.S. gov't is suspending services to Ukraine. Soldiers on the ground are feeling the effects already." – Washington Post
This is beyond vindictive; it’s evil. Trump is now directly complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians fighting for their survival.
My wish is for him to go on one of his hunting trips and he becomes the prey. I hate this spoiled, arrogant prick. He has achieved nothing in his despicable life except being an ejaculation.
Notice the hashtag at the bottom. Taking a swipe at sexual assault victims while he’s at it. We will be better off when the entire trump family ceases to exist
Jr seems to be a shallow coke head, rattling on with no insight or knowledge, trying to stay in Donald’s good graces, afraid if he doesn’t, Dad will destroy him in a heartbeat.
Considering all the cocaine he's reputed to have snorted, I'm guessing that one solid punch on his nose would flatten the whole thing like the dictator's nose after it got flattened by a steamroller in "Sleeper".
I quit paying attention to that waste of space a long time ago. All he's doing is trying to win daddy's love with these posts that basically say "See daddy, I can be a heartless prick too. Will you hug me now?"
Don Jr. stands with the guy who pushed his mother down the stairs & buried her in a pauper’s grave.
He’s just a junkie living on daddy’s money. And after all that, Elon took his spot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I will drive him there myself.
Ya know, I don't see a future without hate in this country, and it's very concerning to me.
I'm F'N sick & tired of MAGA & if I see one, I'll punc* em in the mouth.
maybe something will run over him
Crack head Don Jr.
Join the Good Fight to dismantle the Republican party.
Weak. Greedy. Pathetic. Craven.
The 💩 doesn't fall far from the
Heredity and upbringing
This is beyond vindictive; it’s evil. Trump is now directly complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians fighting for their survival.
He’s just a junkie living on daddy’s money. And after all that, Elon took his spot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣