Even McGregor’s own country hates him. Bars and shops in Ireland removed his beer from sale and covered up the mural of him in a Belfast bar. It makes sense that another sexual assaulter would be welcome in Trump’s White House. But this is gross.
Imagine you're a grown man child with no real understanding of the world greater than a 5th grader and have suckled from the teat of racist brainwashing for most of your life. Also that you're probably a complete douche bag. See something different? Canadian ally! Love and Respect!
I encourage you to read this article from The New York Times. Here's a gift link you can read it for free https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/20/us/politics/food-banks-usda.html?unlocked_article_code=1.5k4.T0Nw.7d245v8WemlC&smid=url-share
My husband volunteered at our church's food pantry for several years. This is a topic near and dear to my heart❤️
That's as far as I'm willing to go at this point.
I do not see Jesus.
Am I doing this wrong?