Six tours in the “War on Christmas” here. I say “Happy holidays” to make room for all of God’s children. American Christmas is a shiny Christian-inspired secular holiday whose mandatory observance harms the most marginalized. The Incarnation is a blessing and miracle not the loyalty oath of empire🕯️
Every culture warrior who didn't go to eucharist for St. Stephen's, St. John's, the Holy Innocents, and the CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD when they could have is part of the problem, not the solution. They might as well be writing Happy Holidays on Starbucks cups
I love that you sing Morning Prayer! Was curious on the comment about the convent. I'm assuming it has more to do with the convent itself than the mass being early? Is it anything you can share since you mentioned it?
In this case it’s because I don’t drive and I can’t justify making my organist husband, who solo played four masses within 24 hours, get up early to drive me. He deserves a break!
Whew - I had the same question about your mention of the convent, and am relieved to hear it wasn’t because of something convent-specific, as I am in the beginning phase of exploring a relationship with them!