Oooooh those ones are so frustrating. I actually once had a double level version of those dreams, where I woke up from an incredibly real feeling wetting twice, once in the dream and once finally back to reality. Bone dry. Ugh. XD
Everyones proud when they wake up wet, but we all shy away from discussing the time we accidentally wore a magical void diaper to bed. A diaper incapable of retaining any moisture. The nightmare of being drained of fluids & never achieving soggy status 😱
You’re always dry…why?! It couldn’t be the diaper, surely….anyways; I guess you don’t need these anymore. Kitten’s all grown up & won’t need to be changed into cozy, soft & poofy diapers eeeever again 🥲
I think I’ve created a new breed of potty monster. A diaper mimic thats always dry & unused, tricking caregivers into thinking their little one is ready for potty training.
He is a precursor, a minion of potty monsters that creates scenarios to get kiddos near a porcelain perversion of nature 😱
Imagine the horror, half way through a dungeon & your group is all a bit droopy…but one of you hasn’t used your diaper at all. You stare at your healers diaper with sudden unease, it’s not….it couldn’t be? They’re wearing a mimic…it’s strapped to them RIGHT NOW & you only just noticed it 😱
Its those dam diaper fairies!!! They are like tooth fairies, but instead of leaving cash exchange for teeth, they leave pee in your diaper in exchange for your underpants privileges!
But really that's so cool Snazzy ;w;
soon its gonna be soggy diaps every morning!
Congrats on becoming a bedwetter snazzy!
I hope this is a downward spiral towards more babyish tendencies :3
Always :3
He is a precursor, a minion of potty monsters that creates scenarios to get kiddos near a porcelain perversion of nature 😱
its my lifelong dream to become a bedwetter and seeing other friends get there makes me so happy! looks like you NEED diapers now, snazzy!
You’re such a GOOD BOY!
You went to bed dry and soaked your diapers!
That makes you a BEDWETTER! :D
Not so loud little sis!!!
You deserve that title too!
grats on the soggy night :3
You did it!
Gold star!