I was so EXCITED to see one of these guys this morning! Well…I heard him first. Many years ago I would see a few on my farm. Then none! 🙁Thrilled to see and hear him today! Love the Sandhill Cranes too but mostly see them end of January/February.
Wow!! What a great photo! I swear pileated woodpeckers know when you're try to take their picture. They either mug for the camera or take off like their life depends on it.
One of my fav. birds! I see 'em often in Virginia.
Great picture! Did you capture this?
You're not going to believe me, but I once had photographic evidence of a pileated in N. Florida carving a heart in a tree. Lost the images in a *sus* drive crash. Wonder if modern tools can recover? :)
I have two of these beauties that live in the woods behind my house. When both are pecking away at a tree, it sounds like a construction site 😂😂 we have the smaller woodpeckers too, so often we hear: tick, tick, tick, tick, THUD!
They’re so much fun to watch.
Have only seen them twice, amazing birds, larger than I imagined. One male was holding court with four females circled around. He was trying to impress them by banging his head against an old telephone pole. Not sure what the girls were thinking though.
I remember their rarity as a child.
in case you're interested, here is an ode to pileated woodpeckers i did for Ontario arborists: https://www.isaontario.com/miscreants-or-messengers/
Great picture! Did you capture this?
You're not going to believe me, but I once had photographic evidence of a pileated in N. Florida carving a heart in a tree. Lost the images in a *sus* drive crash. Wonder if modern tools can recover? :)
They’re so much fun to watch.