While he chokes off cancer research and fires VA researchers, the President is using your taxpayer dollars to buy crypto and enrich his personal allies.
This is the most corrupt administration in history and it's not even close.
This is the most corrupt administration in history and it's not even close.
And bring up every damn promise they've failed and broken
The American people want that felon removed from office as fast as possible.
Include draft impeachments and draft criminal referrals. And not just for Trump.
We need to be out in the streets resisting, showing them that we cannot be stolen from or controlled
And please, as your constituent, I urge you to BOYCOTT the SOTU.
Tax payers do not create our national currency
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
How about this? #Veterans
Have you objected to unanimous consent this year?
Have you pushed for impeachment?
Do you have protest plans for the State of the Union?
That's a big fat no on all 3 counts. Grow a spine and do something substantial.
You might get arrested or hurt but it’s what you signed up for. Go get in good trouble.
"And when you're a President, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."
What is Congress going to do about it???
Where is this generation's John Lewis?
When are my elected officials going to start making "good trouble"
Dems, take a stand on Tues night and leave the state of the union address when 47 starts speaking
Trump is giving a $100 Billion Dollar Bail Out to rich, degenerate gamblers.
With YOUR money.
That, friends, is what we call "fraud, waste & abuse."
Talk about WASTE, FRAUD & ABUSE.
This is the epitome of it.