JUST IN: Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of Marine Le Pen and founder of France’s far-right National Front, who referred to the gas chambers of the Holocaust as a “detail of history” and described the Nazi occupation of France as “not particularly inhumane,” has died at the age of 96.
Daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen,
whose own political past included running a presidential campaign for a former World War Two, Pro-Nazi Vichy Regime minister.
The Vichy government also interned thousands of Jews and rounded up more to be sent to transit camps and eventually to Auschwitz.
well, for him anyway.
Better than the shit written by @lefigaro.fr
"Jean-Marie Le Pen dies at 96. A French far-right politician who forged the National Front in 1972 with wartime Nazi collaborators and veterans of France’s colonial disasters in Algeria and Indochina."
more than 75,000 Jews, mostly foreign Jews, were deported to death camps, where about 72,500 were killed.
There, that's all the headline you need.
A fitting end.
Good & may he rot in hell!!
The fact he lived so long not that he croaked
Respectfully of course.
‘Detail of history’