“The meeting was convened by Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada”
MAGA can keep insisting that Trump is just “trolling,” but to the rest of the world, we’ve become a laughingstock. This has serious, long-term consequences for U.S. national security.
MAGA can keep insisting that Trump is just “trolling,” but to the rest of the world, we’ve become a laughingstock. This has serious, long-term consequences for U.S. national security.
How could he think that suggesting that a country with a bigger territory than the US and a very diverse country be reduced to a single state would not be anything but extremely offensive?
We stand with Ukraine!🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸
You can't take cream out of coffee, and we will not forget that the overwhelming majority of Americans just sat back and watched us be disparaged.
What happened to the "American exceptionalism" we always had rammed down our throats?
Did your balls drop off?
It's a fucking nightmare.
Everyone seems to forget the nuclear arsenal controlled by a team of sycophants led by a lunatic.
Wake the fucking up!
They're happy to poison and kill humans in the process, then leave taxpayers to clean up the sludge, if ever!
Good luck America
His actions aren't demonstrative of a head of state who warrants and commands respect. No serious national leader would participate in such trolling.
Beyond the pale.
Putin will get what he really started this war for and Trump will get what will make him a billionaire
To hell with Europe or Ukraine wants !
Trudeau is aligning with Europe !
GOP dies☠️at da altar of🤡Trump & Musk‼️
We are an army of 40 millions waiting.
And we still have allies.
So fuck trump and all his bunch of lunatics.
Da Fuq?
It’s no economic partnership, it’s strong armed robbery!
If you look closely you’ll notice that there are only quotations marks around “Economic Partnership” with Ukraine. Almost like it’s not a partnership but a “partnership.”
This pig uses blood as currency.
Just shaking our heads, leaving America behind and finding less dramatic relationships.
I’m nauseated.
President. Vladimir Putin of Russia
Our new allies are North Korea, Iran, and Russia.
A shit-hole country cannot be undone for generations.
We're ready to fight like all hell - are democracy loving Americans? Because your chance to is quicky running out...
#Resist #AmericanFascism
pas?" "Absolument!"
A Ger leader just said his first priority was European independence from the US
Many calling for a Euro world reserve currency
2 measures would decimate the US arms industry, & stop US using dollar to bail themselves out of trouble
I think that you mean “if I were”, sir.
Also obviously, no one’s gonna ask you why, but we all know that Ukraine would have been invaded by both sides at once in this case and wouldn’t exist anymore today.
Trump is deliberately saving Putin- buying him and the Republican Party was Putins best investment ever...
CANADIANS ARE FUCKING FED UP WITH THIS! I swear to god someone in America better step up like LUIGI!
He who saves his Country does not violate any Law
Let VP Trump waffle to himself. Nobody will listen anyway!
Just one thing though, it's really not the least bit funny. It's dangerous and it's beyond our belief 😔
They are collaborators in this dictatorship
We are sad.
In a single word they are filth.
The motto of the Drumpf regime appears to be: "Turning allies into enemies since 2025".
"they deserved it"
"they MADE me hurt them"
"they will get over it"
"they were teasing me"
"they'd be better off if they gave me what I want"
Replace "they" with "she" and tell me if it's any different.
It's some pretty weak shit to want a troll as a leader. Have some honor and self respect.
The rest of the world.
Get the f out and stay out putin...havent you killed enough of your own people!
Macron also gave him a lesson in leadership today…
Humiliated twice in an hour or two… NOAA issues Flying Ketchup Alert for DC this evening & night… 🤣
The average American has zero problems with Canadians. They are neighbor to the north and we are friends, not enemies.
Now i vote for building a new alliance, leaving just the us and hungary in nato.
The ladt one turns off the lights.
What the absolute fuck?? Such ruling has now place in a democratic country
It was a historical decision which might have sealed USA's downfall if all this continues
This is unheard of - a US President canoodling with a vicious dictator that has been the world’s archenemy for decades.
America’s beacon of Freedom and Democracy is almost completely extinguished. Dark and sad day for America.