Why is it always you have to fck around and find out before believing your own eyes and ears. Trump told and showed everyone exactly who he was.. before Nov5. But being spiteful and stupid… some in Michigan helped usher a maniac back in the White House..
I doubt it. Those complainers are really just another part of MAGA, living in delusion, hate, and the lies they tell themselves. My guess is that they think of themselves as heroes who proudly "saved" the world from Biden and Harris, and allowed the Palestinians to be exterminated the "right" way.
They were more concerned with supporting right-wing maniacs called Hamas than with defending their own country from right-wing maniacs called the Republican Party.
For fucks sake. Who gives a shit? She decided to certify the election with speculation about Elon rigging it. I voted for her because we had no choice thanks to Biden’s hubris. Let’s move on to what elected officials are doing to salvage our country now that Felon and Elon took it over.
nice, but I think that's what the rest of the world can't figure out. How does he get more than about 4%? At all? And that so many americans evidently think the way HE does.... and that's the scary part.
Who fucking cares? Stick polls up your ass. They mean nothing. You get one fucking chance to do the right thing. America, you don't do the right thing. Don't fucking tell me that if done today, things would be different. It doesn't matter. Fuck off with polls!
The poll that had her up 15 points in Iowa in late October was accurate
The complicity of the media in this scam is the most frustrating part - we had news as a loss leader so that it would serve the public - that was done away with. And here we are.
And now because Michigan voted for Trump, aluminum and steel tariffs are going to hit the auto industry HARD. Ohio will also feel it. I wish people did their research.
Who cares? The election isn’t today and when it is the same scum balls who did mental gymnastics not to vote for her will do the same again. If it isn’t Gaza it will be some other bullshit excuse not to vote for the nice, black lady just because she’s a woman. This country makes me sick anymore
Of all the issues a Harris Administration might have brought with it, I'm pretty sure a self inflicted trade war, erosion of our standing in the International Community, and the shredding of American Democracy would not have been things to worry about.
They were warned what a second Trump term would mean! No guardrails, unqualified secretaries, cut to government programs, tariffs, project 2025 hateful actions and more grifting by Trump!
Your vote for this narcissistic sociopath and side kick Musk has cause more hardship and MAGA & GOP owns it!
Wow, you mean the guy we all warned you would be terrible for Muslims, pro-Palestinian protesters, Gazans, Palestinians, and the entire state of Michigan was, in fact, terrible for all these groups? Who could've possibly seen this coming?
Unfortunately you made this bed, now it's time to lie in it.
Just a thought... Trump & MAGA GOP are about tax breaks for billionaires while draining the swamp by shutting down government, which includes the IRS, Education, Veterans, etc. SHOULD WE HELP BY NOT FILING OUR TAXES? WE'RE REALLY ONLY FILING TAXES SO BILLIONAIRES, LIKE A SOUTH AFRICAN, CAN SPEND IT!
Michigan is my state, and this makes my blood boil for two reasons: first, living in a swing state can be absolute ass and I HATE swing voters, and second, that is not nearly the percentage gap that needs to be happening. Wtf is wrong with people?
Well, apparently Trump is open to the idea of a do-over, judging by his hissy fit in 2021, so let's do that. Besides, until all the votes are hand-counted, we don't know this wasn't the original outcome.
A wasted effort, it doesn't matter now... VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org/ LOCK THEM REPUBS UP!
There must be some disgruntled people in Musk’s orbit who can explain how he got Trump the votes. In 2020 Trump openly tried to get more votes after the election. He learned his lesson.
She also would have beat his ass in the 2024 Election and we wouldn’t be IN this mess, if it weren’t for the fact that the 2024 Election was literally STOLEN. https://youtu.be/AWSWqn7UHYM?si=9bNkVOmv0gUypyQ4
Now do a candidate the people actually want. Gonna have to do better than "Not Trump" to decisively win the undecided, that has only worked once out of the last three attempts.
How hard is it to find someone likable enough to beat a populist?
Too late. Maybe next time Americans will actually care enough to review the candidates instead of just voting for the other guy when global inflation occurs.
Not particularly useful after the fact; but does suggest a backlash against him already, which bodes well for the midterms. Then again, that pollster in Iowa with a reputation for making calls others missed, said Harris would win that state. Take it at face value because of the salt tariffs.
Kamala did win the Presidency. Justice is coming Felon 45 will be Decertified and removed JD will be going as well plus at least 20 Republican Maga leaders. Election Malware Manipulation evidence will come out. The Rat and his group of minions will be charged as well.
Don't post things like this, today doesn't matter. Approximately 2 years from now matters...all we can do now is resist, resist, and resist some more, but do not lament the past.
That’s comforting to know. 🙄 They have the president they voted for so let them live with it. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to live with their stupid decision, too.
Yeah, well, it is a bit late for that. Wasn't Michigan the place where a minority that the right in America despises decided to throw their support behind Trump? When are you going to stop looking back, and start taking actions to free your country. You have 48 days before Project 2025 is complete.
Not sure where these polls keep coming from because I live in MI and voted for her and all of the polls said she was winning. We need to figure out how they rigged the election and take our country back!!!!
Michigan and the other battleground states can drown in the Trump Presidency that they didn’t pay enough attention to defeat last November. There is no such thing as a “do over” in American politics.
Well, that ship sailed. We told folks what would happen, but they said - for some unknown reason - they trusted him more with the economy. How's that working out for ya now?
This poll is just pointless. The democrats had weak leadership which left a power vacuum for an authoritarian like Trump. Learn from the past and move forward!
We have too many stupid white people who get to vote just because they were born here. These fat lazy entitled leaches never understood how easy they have it so they voted for change. Now we all have to suffer.🤬
Okay, hold up there angry MI bashing folks...let's remember that over all, Drumpf supposedly won the "popular vote" and admitted that Princess "knows those machines".
Secondly, MI has a nearly entire female democratic government and our state has a surplus in our budget so calm down 😘
Please call your senators and demand they vote no on Cloture and no on the Republican spending bill! It only takes a couple of minutes! (202) 224-3121.
The Uncommitted folks seem pretty quiet these days. The Uncommitted may want to be forgotten, but we remember.
She's still running protests against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and telling people to be "uncommitted", right?
The suffering Americans are experiencing is on your heads now. Own it.
The poll that had her up 15 points in Iowa in late October was accurate
The complicity of the media in this scam is the most frustrating part - we had news as a loss leader so that it would serve the public - that was done away with. And here we are.
We needed this last November.
I'm thankful at least Virginia did not crumble like Michigan.
Your vote for this narcissistic sociopath and side kick Musk has cause more hardship and MAGA & GOP owns it!
Unfortunately you made this bed, now it's time to lie in it.
Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes
Shoutout to the Muslim population who voted for Trump to delete Palestine from the face of the earth
Truth of the matter is that polls are bullshit. Hillary and Harris were winning in the polls right before election and still lost
Stop looking at these fucking polls cause it leads you to think you dont need to vote
How hard is it to find someone likable enough to beat a populist?
Lead a march or a protest.
Trump lies. Data doesnt.
Voting patterns never seen unless compared to know manipulated data
2B raised by DNC
O hand recounts requested
When we fight/vote we win.
Well here it is.
Meet the American low information voter.
How did that protest vote work for them.
No love lost Michigan-
Not one half a drop of tears will be shed
You did this to yourselves and the rest of us
I just hope you all hurt MORE
You should not be deciding the elections
Somewhere, in that great TV set in the sky, Maude Findlay said, "God'll get you for that, Michigan!"
After the election: The Lions got humiliated at home in the Playoffs.
How Matt Patricia still has a job on any team in any league is fucking behind me.
Lions didn't know what the fuck they were doing. That literally was the place where decent QBs went to die before they even got started.
I believe the election voting machines were tampered with - Kamala Harris should be president. That "new" poll is not helpful.
We have too many stupid white people who get to vote just because they were born here. These fat lazy entitled leaches never understood how easy they have it so they voted for change. Now we all have to suffer.🤬
When they reach for the voting lever, suddenly the phobia of women veers its ugly head.
I am grateful the Democrats put two women up for President in 12 years because that ceiling needs a breaking.
Secondly, MI has a nearly entire female democratic government and our state has a surplus in our budget so calm down 😘
In other news, did anyone else see that you can watch all 7 seasons of the Apprentice on Amazon?
Please call your senators and demand they vote no on Cloture and no on the Republican spending bill! It only takes a couple of minutes! (202) 224-3121.