GOP Congresswoman Harriet Hageman was loudly booed at a Wyoming town hall over her support for Elon Musk’s DOGE.
(A new Fox News poll shows that 58% of voters, including 70% of Independents, disapprove of Musk’s DOGE.)
(A new Fox News poll shows that 58% of voters, including 70% of Independents, disapprove of Musk’s DOGE.)
The task of the United Sane People is to increase that number and run for office.
If not MAGA wins.
And NO these are NOT Dem activists.. there are not enough Democrats in the ENTIRE state of Wyoming to make this kind of noise!!!
At the town hall I went to I know was majority left leaning.
for any job. He is cuckoo.
Next time, the constituents should bring leftover scraps, garbage, dog poop, cow dung, super soaker, eggshells, potato, pig's blood & whatever shit they can throw at the traitor!🤬
Schumerial Bitching does nothing.
VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at and State Legislatures at LOCK THEM UP!
*Environmental protection
*Social safety net
*Health care
*Safe working conditions
*Fair wages & upward mobility
*Class equality.
All we demand is secure borders, family morality & ethnic cohesion.
She ran for office and won, but her constituents are the ones obsessed with the federal government?
Bitch, THATS YOU!!!!!
How she got out of there without being pelted by various rotten fruits and vegetables is beyond me.
Wait. Is this the person who the GOP used to primary Liz Cheney in 2022? How's that working out for ya, Wyoming?
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I realize standards of beauty vary, but at least the Y chromosomes focus their attention more acutely
58% prefer to remain desperately poor while DC billionaires get rich off WW3 & flood our country with third world mystery meat.
Got it.
New Optimist Mindset
77 million people voted for Trump. The US population is 340 million.
Trump is not popular
They/DOGE/Trump ARE touching social security, closing offices, firing people, taking personal and bank information as she stands there saying "they are not touching social security" - scary!
Just more of the same.
Did she just say people are obsessed with the federal government?????