Too bad is busily trying to sell a book while capitulating to Republicans since it seems like a pretty big deal that a significant number of MAGA influencers are vile, child rapists.
Folks, I'm going to be guilty of profiling here, but doesn't this pic just call for it?
Here's the thing...YEARS ago, if one looked at this picture, they would have said DEMOCRAT! Earrings (plural!) in his ears, unkempt look, baseball cap, goofball...& PORN.
Is it really always them, or is there a selection bias at play? What are the percentages of people arrested for this evil based on political affiliation and intensity?
A mega church leader, a campaign adviser, a MAGA influencer, what do they all have in common? CHILD PREDATORS..turns out Hillary was correct in calling them -a basket of deplorables. No secret why they love Trump. They’re him and he’s them.
Why am I always seeing that it’s white MAGA dudes that are assaulting our women and children? It’s almost like they are projecting their criminal behavior on the trans community. #wtf
Just playing the devil’s advocate: We hear A LOT about MAGA/conservatives being shady & gross, but it’s not possible that only MAGA is this kind of awful, or hypocrites.
Don’t get me wrong. Prosecute. Just know how clean your house is.
This is getting tiring...not the fact that these guys are being put away, but the "pretend shocked" GIF I feel like I have to post every time this happens, probably like 5 this week alone.
Here's the thing...YEARS ago, if one looked at this picture, they would have said DEMOCRAT! Earrings (plural!) in his ears, unkempt look, baseball cap, goofball...& PORN.
They always are
Don’t get me wrong. Prosecute. Just know how clean your house is.
Wait, how would that work? Would the kids only be on the crew?
“I know you’re doing the baby-making ‘special hug’ but I’m not buying it, it hasn’t made me go through puberty yet!”
“Can I have a copy of the tape for show ‘n tell?”