Kinda what I felt like going from 2024 into 2025. At this point it's more like "Critical Hull Damage, Shields at 15% and the Warp Core is leaking, thereby having killed 76% of the Engineering Team and half of the Medical Crew". And we're sure as hell nowhere close to Spacedock, unfortunately
That is a temple! A temple of high standards, morals and ambition to better oneself and the world. It may be bruised and battered, hell it may even fall but it will have it's impact. It will not be in vain, it will stand for what's good "and make sure history never forgets the name - Enterprise"
My hull integrity is fine, but the ship's computer just keeps automatically declaring red alert for no reason and dispensing Chinese takeout from the replicators.
I'm more of a Galaxy Quest guy, trying to negotiate the "chompers" (with the exquisite Sigourney Weaver by my side) on my way to disengage the fail safe sequence.
We're on it though.
Where's Scotty when you need him? Or LaForge for that matter?
I'll give you one guess who owns the cornucopia (sorry Mr. Chekov).
*knees give out.*
I'm fast AF boi.
Thank you to all the folks who commented...I've been laughing so much!