I love offroad/overlanding and visiting state and national parks. Last I checked, you can 4wd and fish in most of them.
As others have pointed out - we know exactly what subset of the '4wd community' these flogs actually are. They'll still buy Great Northern - they are too cheap and lazy to change.
It’s woke-creep. They’re trying to slowly turn the anti-woke people against things they previously supported by gradually labelling more and more things as ‘woke’, one step at a time.
Thing is, i bet they're not, just the armchair idiots who watch sky. I have fam in Darwin, they & all theirs friends love going bush camping and make serious efforts to minimise impact.
I say this as a former 4wd owner, and I'd still have one if I could, but most of those 4wd owner groups are full of fuckwits.
They love to "get out in the fresh air of the bush" but the moment you say maybe we need to look after it, or adopt better cars, you're a tree hugging hippie.
Completely agree. Joined a few and they are full of the worst people. We always respected the bush and beach, only used designated tracks, left with everything we brought with us etc.
This makes me support GN beer more (and I don't drink beer)
Yeah. The *point* of 4WDs for me was to get to remote places to appreciate the places. Most of these dickheads just want to drive over stuff - their point seems to be the driving. 🤷♂️
Duh. The point of national parks is to go barrelling through it in your pick-up panzerwanken, crushing everything in your path, *not* to commune with and in nature.
The kind of idiots that will trash something until it's completely unusable and unrecoverable, then have no idea of the part they played in fucking things up for future generations.
Funny how Preston Potts looks exactly like the kind of sleazy, private school-educated tosspot that I expect Sky News to employ to write dumb "everything is woke" articles like this.
Yep, as soon as it rains they destroy the trails 😡 I like 4wd Inv (been a while though) and always stick to trails and am very careful to not mess with anything
As others have pointed out - we know exactly what subset of the '4wd community' these flogs actually are. They'll still buy Great Northern - they are too cheap and lazy to change.
Besides, it just goes to show that all we need to do is teach people how to understand where their frustrations come from.
They love to "get out in the fresh air of the bush" but the moment you say maybe we need to look after it, or adopt better cars, you're a tree hugging hippie.
This makes me support GN beer more (and I don't drink beer)
And yes, fully agree and did the same thing. God I miss 4WDing so much.
Confected culture war again.
There are spots in the Blueies where it's "God help us if the fire goes there", because the trail is so cut up it's dangerous.
We saw more smart car-like small cars in Rome & Florence in October + a lot of terrible parking.
I have a Mitsubishi Mirage, my favourite dirt roads are my secret!