I have no idea what you're asking for here but feel like it is a good place to implore the chefs feeding him to load up his food with tons of hfcs and vegetable oils. Ridiculous amounts of margarine on everything. Triple the bacon. Zero fiber.
Like every cooked in pork or duck fat renderings. Ranch dressing oozing over everything. Just make it abdominally and coronarilly irresistible. Double down. Statins are for losers.
Sir, the chef has prepared a delectable Waygu patty slow cooked in duck fat and served in your preferred style- ala Big Mac. Accompanied by /frites/ in the French style dressed in pink Himalayan salt and a tomato reduction.
Do you really think violence is the only way? I am so sad for you. I am Canadian and have so many American friends. This is pure insanity. The R party is gone completely crazy
I really wish I could believe it wasn't. But I think we have run out of options. There is no real opposition within the government. There is no legal way to reestablish a Republic. Our politicians care nothing for the cries of our people...
We are working on it. But it's hard to get everyone organized. Especially when we can't talk openly.
A lot of us know what is coming. But no one is ready.
Finish it.
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
It’ll be up to us to fight this shit.