Is Trump clever enough for Putin to consider him an asset. Why pay for something that is freely given. Do you think Trump is actually gay and he loves Putin.
Just on TV? every actions he and his lakeys take are destructive on every things USA built within the country and abroad? This government is acting against the interests of its own population and of their allies continuously. I don't know if "agent" is the right title but it's certainly not "actor"
Is this the Thomas Friedman who wrote: "the hidden hand of the market will work without a hidden fist....the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley technologies to flourish is called the US Army, Air Force, Navy & Marine Corps"? And a big supporter of Israeli ethnic cleansing.
The US is now a completely unreliable ally. They gave Ukraine a security guarantee in 1994, when Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. They can't be trusted and, therefore, they have lost almost all their influence.
It's quite clear these people are Russian assets.
and quacks like a утка…
It’s a утка.