How's the "moral murder" crowd enjoying the warm sewer of double-standards?

"Yeah, but" seems to be the sideline cheer of the week.


Murder us never justified. Oppression of the disenfranchised is never justified as well. I don't know how to square this but I know the nuances are salient.
It’s not pretty. Reinforces my belief that human beings are mostly self-justification engines.
This is like why Democrats lose, because Republicans will lie, cheat, steal and break the rules, but Democrats will insist on taking the moral high ground.
Seth, maybe you could make your point better by not linking to a blatant transphobe.
It’s been gross
I totally agree, the thousands of deaths caused by the CEO in pursuit of profit is really gross.
Both can be true
They can be but they are not. Although I can see many emotional advantages to pretending all killings are morally equivalent and equally gross.
I feel like there is a deep dive video coming from you, and I hope you do.
Moral high ground is just below the sewer line
I don't condone murder...but I am going to show him as much sympathy as his Healthcare company showed to over 1/3 of its paying customers.
I think Stalin said it.
"One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic"

When a million die, that is just normal business. There is no moral discussion about that, only when it is a single human does morals come into play.
Violence and murder aren't inherently immoral: they are last resorts.

"Murder is bad" is doctrine. The real question is whether or not the last resort was warranted.

There is evidence that we cannot meaningfully correct our health care without allowing many victims to die. Maybe one is enough.
Wondering how you’d respond to someone murdering Putin?
good point
Putin would be Out of Network, I'm afraid.
Nicely done
The claim for my condolences has been denied.
Can I not shoot Hitler? Can I not shoot a rampaging bear? Doing nothing and judging others for making the world better through imperfect means is cowardice.
Seth makes sure to delete any context from this moral equation and is taking a principled stand against murder in general, instead of responding to the actual events of reality.
If you knew of someone who ordered the deaths of 70k sick people, you'd want him to get the death penalty.
I have no sympathy for this guy. None. Robin Hoodie is a vigilante hero.
What's the double standard?
i don't really have standards anymore Seth. i only care about justice and i don't really care how it comes. pretty sure the image of "morality" was an illusion the while time.

im glad you do still have standards tho. we are really gonna need guys like you to keep us centered over the next decade.
People have very justified hatred toward insurance company CEOs because these executives are responsible for an unfathomable amount of death and suffering. As someone against death and suffering, I think it's good to call out this broken system and the ppl in power who enable it.
It's been disheartening to hear the toxic comments from what I would otherwise think are moral and empathetic people. You don't have to like or even have any respect for someone to understand that the taking of their lives affects so many people around them.
Thompson was complict in killing tens of thousands of people. He never would have been brought to justice by the legal system because it sees his killings as legitmate, they were the "cost" of doing business. Peace is not the absence of violence it is the presence of justice. This was some justice.
He didn't get pre-approval for thoughts & prayers. At least his family can afford actual health care, not the shifty product he got rich shilling.
Violence (legal, economic & physical) seems to often be:
- a 1st choice for the rich, powerful & privileged, &
- a last resort of the poor, vulnerable & hopeless.

This is simply a tragedy.

I hope the facts show a mental health issue & do not expose yet another breakdown in US society & justice.
Turns out that (based on the initial information available) that the alleged murderer is just a unabomber type nutter.

It also seems as though he wants to be linked to the murder (as he kept the evidence on his person), so to discourage these nutters he should not be platformed or named.
Celebrate? No. Apathetic. Certainly.

The murderer should go to jail. They did commit a crime. It sucks for his family, but they are rich amd can afford the counselling. But I feel nothing for the deceased themselves.
Murder is wrong, and the murderer should be punished to the full extent of the law. I cannot, however, say that no social good will come from this. Fear tempering rampant greed, for instance.
The victim was a mass murderer who would have never been punished otherwise because our society permits that type of murder-by-withholding-lifesaving-care-for-greed. Do you think that context might be relevant?
Yes. The fear of other CEOs suffering the same fate, and behaving better as a result, is what I mentioned as the potential social good resulting from this.
where's the humanity of the insurance companies?
My sympathy for murdered a-holes claim was denied.

Oh well.
There is no double-standard here.
Condolences are not covered by the moral insurance.
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Meanwhile everyone celebrates
Not caring doesn’t mean celebrating, Seth. The attitudes fomented by this vicious act merely reflect the callousness displayed by the ultra wealthy, in general, and insurance companies particularly. I don’t believe the assassin to be moral, but neither is the CEO who had blood on his hands.
I am not celebrating, just giving him the concern he showed for his policy holders.
The public hatred stems from the "perceived greed of the industry". Let me stop laughing at her long enough to GTFOH.
She seems balanced and genuine.
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Perhaps we are cheering aspects of the event other than the actual death. Although it is hard to imagine the public discussion of United’s exploitations of humans occurring without the murder.
It's really disturbing the excuses people will come up with to avoid saying - "murder is not right"
It’s because murder is wrong that it’s good this person was killed - because he is a mass murderer.
I keep hearing this described as "cold blooded murder". That better describes his company's victims.
It sounds a lot like you’re ignoring the over 300k people who’ve gone bankrupt and/or died because this man refused to provide them the healthcare they needed when they got sick. Stop blaming those who are justifiably apathetic toward greedy millionaires that’d easily let all of us die for profit.
The deeper problem is americas health care problems.... It needs to be addressed or more people will end up in financial troubles and having no medical assistance will lead to more terrible deaths as this as the private health care industry is seen as vilians and it will get worse. Just my 2 cents
I don’t get what’s hard to understand. To quote Clarence Darrow, “I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”

Unmitigated capitalism & greed is ruining the lives of millions. People are dying & going bankrupt.

I won’t pretend to grieve for assholes.
They have about 51 million members. The deny 32% of the claims. If each member made just one claim each that's over 16 million people denied service. I'm sure many have died from this. As such it's hard to find sympathy for someone who has had a direct hand in denying people that care.
UHC was the worst of them, apparently.
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this can influence some feelings
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Also thousands die