The ply number is how thick/stiff it is... but heavier is more expensive. I draw on a drafting table and/or drawing board so I go with the cheaper 2-ply. If you want something that feels heavy, go up to 3- or 4-ply. The latter is as heavy as illustration board. You can't beat 500 plate for nib use!
Seconding this. Tried so many brands, and Strathmore 500 has been one of the few truly consistent brands out there (hoping I don't jinx this). You just have to look for the right weight for your use, but their sizing is even and great for both inking and wash. Helps it's 100% cotton, not pulp.
Really, looking for anything that is 100% cotton and not pulp or a mix is a great start. You can omit a LOT of brands on that criteria alone and really narrow it down to the ones you want to try.
watercolor paper is my ideal but i will admit to doing inkwork in unorthodox ways, so it might not be someone else’s cup of tea. my fav is Grumbacher’s, it’s got a great texture and it’s versatile.
Great to know. From your replies MAYBE what's boggling you is the % of cotton on those papers too. Fabriano has a version of this paper with 80% and another one that's pure cotton too. Good luck
I'd recommend checking out Eon, which I have been using their HD Smooth comic art board for my personal projects. You can find them at
It’s been awhile, but although extremely thin, the Deleter paper was so amazing when I used to ink on it. I wish thicker papers didn’t have that chance to feather when I used nib. But I also don’t know the science!
That’s the problem I’m having… it’s either too flimsy and warps under washes or lots of black, or it is nice and thick but seems to hate having ink on it.
Deleted and IC supposedly both make nice paper but neither company seems to make a3 or b3 size so these huge American comic pages don’t fit.
I feel it. I think most of the manga original drawings I’ve seen are in B4 and rarely have seen any bigger.
I recently moved so I can’t find all my supplies rn, but I remember having a decent time with Canson Mixed Media. The paper was smooth and since it was mostly for watercolor, it held ink.
Strathmore 300 to 500 series bristol paper works great for me. I use dip pen mostly and have had no issues with feathering or scratching through the paper. Also it's fairly accessible in my local art stores in case I don't have time to wait for shipping
“Paris paper for pens”
“United States”
“Borden & Riley’s Paris paper”
This is very confusing ;)
(Thanks for the recco!!!)
Great weight and feel, but it hates every ink I use.
Deleted and IC supposedly both make nice paper but neither company seems to make a3 or b3 size so these huge American comic pages don’t fit.
I recently moved so I can’t find all my supplies rn, but I remember having a decent time with Canson Mixed Media. The paper was smooth and since it was mostly for watercolor, it held ink.