The ply number is how thick/stiff it is... but heavier is more expensive. I draw on a drafting table and/or drawing board so I go with the cheaper 2-ply. If you want something that feels heavy, go up to 3- or 4-ply. The latter is as heavy as illustration board. You can't beat 500 plate for nib use!
Seconding this. Tried so many brands, and Strathmore 500 has been one of the few truly consistent brands out there (hoping I don't jinx this). You just have to look for the right weight for your use, but their sizing is even and great for both inking and wash. Helps it's 100% cotton, not pulp.
Really, looking for anything that is 100% cotton and not pulp or a mix is a great start. You can omit a LOT of brands on that criteria alone and really narrow it down to the ones you want to try.
What’s wild is it seems like this is a more expensive option??
Cutting down a 20x30 or 23x29 ends up at over $3 a page vs over $2 in pre cut pack??? Unless you can get 4 pages out by cutting in a way I can’t visualize.
I draw at 170%, plus the last book I did traditionally was big European albums size... so pre-cut was unfortunately not an option for me. But, yeah, buy the cheapest by sq in you can--it ain't cheap!
TBH, I prefer the vellum because it has a little tooth. The plate is VERY smooth, if I remember correctly! Been awhile since I played around with both!
Cutting down a 20x30 or 23x29 ends up at over $3 a page vs over $2 in pre cut pack??? Unless you can get 4 pages out by cutting in a way I can’t visualize.