Ask a farmer what his or her return on capital is and they'll tell you it's terrible (Average only 0.5% allegedly!). Ask why they don't just put the money in a savings account. My guess is that returns are much greater and that the taxman sees none of it.
Farmers complain that nitrogen fertilizer is so expensive. Try asking one about the Haber-Bosch process. (Hint. High temperatures and pressures requiring loads of energy and heavy engineering).
Another one re-inventing history. Not owning up to his own governments 'mistakes'. No self awareness at all. Wonder why they lost the election so heavily?
Absolutely! I have little hope for Telegraph readers to understand the disingenuousness of his article, but it amazes me that with so much blatant misinformation, people are still falling for the same political traps!
Another one re-inventing history. Not owning up to his own governments 'mistakes'. No self awareness at all. Wonder why they lost the election so heavily?
Step forward all the shadow cabinet.
But FARMERS!!!!!!!