This is genuinely disturbing. ~AA
Reposted from
Robert Shrimsley
So here's a curious thing, Jacob Rees-Mogg posted this teaser for his discussion on Rachel Reeves in China, with an image he attributed to Grek (I assume he
meant Grok) & it has given her an exaggerated hook nose. I'd love to know how what it was in the wording or algorithm which accounts for that
meant Grok) & it has given her an exaggerated hook nose. I'd love to know how what it was in the wording or algorithm which accounts for that
On the wider point, banning Twitter would reduce this sort of rubbish.
Mind you, St. Thomas beat them to India by about 1600 years. So there’s that, at least.
She would know it belittles Britain.
How far the Conservative party have fallen.
Now Rachel Reeves goes to China and they criticise her. Make it make sense.
Would the world be better without them.
But yeah, people forget that AI is an extension of those who train it. If they're anti Semitic or racist, the ai will be.
The irony? He’s supposed to prove Brexit’s benefits, yet highlights what we lost and how it worked in our economies favor.