He needs to be hit constantly with memes of him as old, addled Theoden with Elon Wormtongue in his ear. Just absolutely hammer his petty little ego until he turns on Elmo.
Just picture #GeorgeSoros up there & #JoeBiden sitting w/his head down. #FoxNews wouldB in a tizzy, #DonaldTrump would be calling #Biden senile & #MAGA Jan6-ers wouldB back at the #Capital conducting a "Beautiful Protest." ThankU 4posting this image as I've been looking 4 1. BlueSkyPeeps #FollowMe!
The double standards/hypocrisy in the reporting of Presidential health and mental perspicacity between the previous dude and this dude are nothing short of astonishing. It beggars belief.
Always an excuse to stay up. Last night, waited for my daughter to land in Japan. I had the courtesy to tell her about the couple who had a dead woman placed in the seat next to them for 14 hours AFTER she landed but she still got mad at me. I mean, it was in the news yesterday.