there are possibly people in my past that I would yell this at them if they were still in my life, but I haven't seen those in over half my life at this point
I do not believe in pushing folk, but I have answered so many "yeah that's dysphoria... so's that... that too... yup and that... also that... yeah that too... no that one's just your weird family..."
makes the conversation a little easier
That... actually helped. thank you :)
I do not believe in pushing folk, but I have answered so many "yeah that's dysphoria... so's that... that too... yup and that... also that... yeah that too... no that one's just your weird family..."
And (for example) if you decide that thermal tops/leggings aren't Gender for you, you still have an extra layer for when it's freezing outside.
me, thirty years in, wore a skirt once.