I worked in “analog” graphic arts. Remember Kodalith/rubylith? The original masking tool.
I decided to go back to school(The New School)when I saw a Mac in the type shop I worked at back in the early 90’s. I created slide presentations and filmstrips on an animation camera back then.
I used to cut amberlith all the time. I still have some samples in my portfolio to show my knifework.
Still was never as good as one of my artists in the last department I ran. You could strip all amber off the clear carrier and you would barely see a scratch from his knife.
I’ve got a 2007 MackBook with 10.7.5. Sucks that I can’t even use it to surf the web.
Not sure what I’m gonna do with it but, I refuse to throw it out.
Might load it up with a bunch of music and use it as a “jukebox”
I’ve been using Apple products since 1991 or so. Adobe, as well. I was a beta tester for both. I’m not happy with Adobe’s “leasing” plan. And Apple’s planned obsolescence isn’t much better.
Fond memories of that Mac. I've been in quite a fright when it did not want to return my 3,5" floppy WITH MY THESIS ON IT and I couldn't find the eject button. The fact that said floppy icon had to be dragged into the trash was a step not easily taken 😅
I remember seeing that a few months ago. Thanks for the reminder. I just joined his channel and got the 3-D print files. This will make for a fun hobbyist project.
I am 100% a newbie to 3-D printing, I would need to see if these documents recommend one. Do you have a recommendation? I imagine this might be an expensive hobby considering its initial investment.
Ditto on being the newbie; but I’ve looked down the rabbithole a few times lol.
I like the Bambu Lab’s P1P, or A1 Combo. Both are apparently really easy to setup and use, have great error-correction, aren’t too noisy despite being fast.
I had a Mac Color Classic until just a few years ago, when a tech-museum adopted it in exchange for helpfully converting all my homegrown applications from floppy disks to modern emulator-compatible files.
Layers changed everything.
Before that, it was a real darkroom...
I decided to go back to school(The New School)when I saw a Mac in the type shop I worked at back in the early 90’s. I created slide presentations and filmstrips on an animation camera back then.
Still was never as good as one of my artists in the last department I ran. You could strip all amber off the clear carrier and you would barely see a scratch from his knife.
There's the art if you'd like!.
I may or may not have operated one of those in the distant past!!
Not sure what I’m gonna do with it but, I refuse to throw it out.
Might load it up with a bunch of music and use it as a “jukebox”
My SE/30 says Hi.
I'd absolutely buy it as a piece of wall art though. Haven't been able to find one! New project for you? 🙏
I’m dizzy
Great again. The level of middle age
that hard to give up mug full of pens and pencils, even though they'll never be used again.
I like the Bambu Lab’s P1P, or A1 Combo. Both are apparently really easy to setup and use, have great error-correction, aren’t too noisy despite being fast.