In effectively a single blink of the historical eye, we’ve seen our entire constitutional system simply … stop. We can clearly see what’s happening is wrong—illegal and unconstitutional—and the actors who can do something about that just … aren’t.
Wealthy special interests like to interfere with Legislative, Judicial & Executive branches, and stepped up efforts after FDR's New Deal.
You are smart. You are strong. Connect the dots. We can't fight an enemy unless we know who it is.
1. Musk out, DOGE out.
2. No impoundment.
3. No disappearances.
The Constitutional Agenda. If not, no budget.
In a constitutional crisis until Stephen Miller assassinates SCOTUS when in fact the first act of withholding appropriated funds put us there.
Fight back.
'Ruining everything economic before the midterms and getting hit badly enough for impeachments'
'Ruining everything in the justice department and the courts so that the midterms can be suitably wrecked'
Everyone loses regardless, the true Trump talent
“Constitutional Crash” may be the phrase we all remember from 2025. It is indeed Code Blue for the U.S. Constitution.
I’m just saying.
And we can't fix the Constitution because the insurrectionists hold a majority of statehouses and if there is any Constitutional reform, it will be in the wrong direction
Long live the Orange Deity.
Let the system collapse.
The Republican Party could have stopped this 6 yrs ago with impeachment.
The voters who rewarded Trump by putting him in the WH.
The SCOTUS who gave him
Every politician, campaign organizer etc over the last 40 yrs who lied, broke trust with voters & incited hate of people in a different party.
They're allowing him to make them obsolete.
1. Congress
2. State gov/AttyGen
3. Federal agencies
4. Municipalities
5. Big business
6. Small business
7. Courts
8. Lawyers and legal associations
9. Former presidents
10. Local law enforcement
11. State national guards
*none are doing anything
Historically, across nations, it's people who have risen up. But many are still either uninformed or apathetic.
They can MAKE A FUCKING EFFORT instead of saying “oh, we’ll wait until 2026.”
Excellent Democratic party slogan!
And I am following, and what I’m seeing is “oh well, we’re helpless, our plan is wait until things get much much worse.”
That is *literally* their plan: Wait until things are so bad that Republicans will turn against Trump.
However, as they are still under the Executive branch, trump can fire all but loyalists -- those willing to ignore laws/commit crimes with the promise of a pardon.
This part is interesting:
although the passive voice is interesting... specially appointed by whom? the judge presumably
Greed & power over country and citizens.☠️
It’s just too depressing to think about. 😞