Dear enablers to this treason,
none of them care about you and you will also be liquidated when they are done with you. you see, you are easily replaced and not special.
none of them care about you and you will also be liquidated when they are done with you. you see, you are easily replaced and not special.
A dictator doesn't need a Congress. Or a Supreme Court, for that matter.
Yep - the top enablers are the first to get the blade once a dictator consolidates power.
I'm thinking about sending weekly mass mailers to their homes. On recycled paper of course.
Nothing will pull them out… Remember, dying of covid they STILL rejected treatment and even covids existence.
Until the cult collapses, they’re lost.
A Russian defector from Russia said that "they will be align against a wall and shot"
It's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.