Please don't tell people not to pay their taxes. You can get in massive trouble for that and end up in prison. It's really reckless to make a comment like that.
I'm with you 100% on the anger about Elon Musk being able to access all these records of ours but this is not a good idea.
It's not going to work the #corruptRepublicans have been working at this sence the 80s and they finally have total control over the suppremcourt, Senate, congress and the white house or should I say the shithouse hate to say it but you're fucked.
Calling my aunt and cousin today. They’re both tax accountants.
But they’ve got BLACK church service right now…if yall don’t know, that means it lasts beyond regular church services for regular folks 😝
I’m pretty sure my aunt is going to say file regardless but I’m still going on these aren’t normal days and we shouldn’t do any one thing that this upside non-existent government expects 🤨! Just makes no sense!
Now that DOGE has downloaded all your taxpayer data, and they are negotiating to add and build prison space everywhere, you probably should be real careful about not paying income tax. Trump team is gonna love that.
You guys are nuts!! A government that is BLATANTLY DISRESPECTING YOU, you just going to pay like it’s a regular tax year🤨!!
Did you hear the part about your personal information being BREACHED??!! What the hell you paying for? Surely not a government that’s got your interests 🤨
You can create equivalencies and justify all you want. But unless willing to give your life or freedom, give some thought to pursuing paths that are hard to investigate or prosecute - i.e., legal.
If you are willing to risk freedom and life, at least get some combat training.
If they're going to shut down expenditures that we care about they don't need our tax dollars
We already know they hate the IRS so if agents are dismissed and law enforcement is decimated who is left to track millions of non-filers?
It would be for the following filing season by maxing out the amount of people you claim. They won’t take as much out during the year BUT you will end up paying at the end of the year.
Btw, if you owe taxes beyond what was withheld, you need to pay what you owe (or think you will owe) when you file the extension. If you don't pay, you will be charged a late payment penalty and interest on what you owe from April 15 until the time you pay - not file, until you pay.
You still have to pay by April 15th if you owe money to avoid penalties and interest. You can pay at least 90% of your prior year tax liability to avoid underpayment penalties.
I do not believe that is completely correct, but I will check with my accountant on Monday.... I (or rather, my accountant) file(s) for an extension virtually every single year.
You obviously don't understand how everyday people pay taxes. Payroll tax is automatically deducted, purchase tax is collected when you buy something.
How do you stop? Quit your job? Stop buying groceries, gas, utilities?
I will in September! I’m not missing the ONE GAME I anticipate watching after watching all 17/18 other ones! 47 can kiss my …s!! He fucks my every-DAMN-thing-else up!! I looked forward to seeing him NOT win, he fucked THAT up! Fuck if I miss my 2 favorite teams play my favorite game for his ass 🤨🤬!!
They are cool with racism as long as it doesn't involve the athletes that make them billions.
I loved watching it as well, have plenty of jerseys, but it lost me.
#EatTheRich #BoycottTheNFL #FuckRogerGoodell
Kelce can keep his "honor."
I hear you about not paying federal taxes, but I feel that only works if everybody or at least enough folks do it! It's worth looking into how one might escrow taxes, much like renters have the ability to do, until issues are resolved. Or, maybe pay all taxes to your state!
Pay your federal taxes if you owe. Withholding is a really bad idea. I got caught in an after retirement paid working situation that went over the allowed wages and resulted in a clawback by the IRS. Between the 0.5% late penalty and the interest charged EACH MONTH it’s very difficult to pay back.
Don't recommend not paying taxes, but we can stop these Nazi bastards by giving to organizations that hire lawyers to file & win lawsuits against our enemy:DemocracyForward, NAACP, ACLU, FFRF, LambdaLegal, PublicCitizen, BrennanCenter, Amica.Do more than post on social media: PICK ONE & DONATE NOW!
I would say, at the very least, call your state AG and ask them what they think. These are unprecedented times. And a government that has already engaged in this kind of activity should not be given your hard earned tax dollars ON TOP of what they’ve already deducted from your monthly withholdings🤨
So, how exactly do you propose folks go about NOT paying their Federal taxes? First off, you can't just ask your employer to stop withholding, that would be illegal on their part, and if you owe at the end of the year, not paying is tax evasion, a Federal crime.
It’s amazing how someone comes on and preaches to me how “good” and “hope filled” Trump is. And what proof do I have of him and his “sins.” Dr Harmony, all they have to do is seriously look into him and they would see his vileness
Yes - your employer deducts taxes. But if you are self employed or a part of the gig economy in any way (side hustle) then taxes are NOT deducted. There are a LOT of people in these categories. What is the jeopardy to just not filing taxes and not paying?
You don’t file 25 dependents, just on your payroll dependents. You can change it back in a few weeks. Your refund maybe smaller, but it will send a message.
I think it's possible, but it needs to be a unified movement. People need to know the steps to take to change how much in taxes are taken per paycheck. Probably won't get $0 but severe reduction still sends a message. We need prep and a date(or week) to all do it
Y'all are screaming to not pay taxes, but you've been paying all year long. The only exception is if you owe anything additional. They already have your $.
This idea needs to spread like wildfire!
I've been thinking the same thing for days now.
Why should we pay when they obviously:
a) have weaseled consistently out of paying their end of the bargin
b) our money will only fuel their fire of domination.
They've broken the social contract, and are well upon their way to voiding the constitution. I believe it's done already, we just haven't quite realized it yet.
Is there any way to legally put taxes into an escrow account? Just not paying them might just result in big trouble for taxpayers. Might need some kind of legal protection in place.
rule number one to fight fascism is do not obey in advance.
paying taxes is obeying
paying back SBA loans to them is obeying
paying back the FEMA loans is obeying
Just to add two, here's where you can go to contact all your congressman senators representatives. Ask them why they don't care about your health and safety. Definitely bug them. Make sure they're doing their job for you 😉
Do not pay taxes until billionaires pay their fair percentage. Claim 25 dependents, let them know, no on project 2025. The money is the only way to communicate with them. Do not feed them anymore.
Exactly. They will get their pieces of silver, and not paying will only hurt you. There are other ways to fight without kicking the chair out from under your own feet.
I get the concept, I just think that might be needlessly drawing attention to yourself without any tangible benefit other than just getting your ass in jail at worst and sued and income garnished at best. I think it would be a useless and feudal gesture
Can you can afford the fines and are you prepared to go to jail for tax evasion? Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Think long and hard before you decide you aren’t gonna pay your taxes. The fines are severe and you won’t beat the IRS. But good luck to those who attempt this. ✌🏼💙
I agree that we all should call our legislators and write them letters as well. I don’t know if I would advise people to not pay their federal taxes. We don’t need to give them reasons to go after us.
😂😂 you are about 6 months behind we are in a revolution and there are no more laws....paying taxes is obeying in advance...they are not going to get you for that and a zillion attorneys are going to volunteer their time for us because they just lost their practices.
I'm with you 100% on the anger about Elon Musk being able to access all these records of ours but this is not a good idea.
But they’ve got BLACK church service right now…if yall don’t know, that means it lasts beyond regular church services for regular folks 😝
that is how we are all doing it
Did you hear the part about your personal information being BREACHED??!! What the hell you paying for? Surely not a government that’s got your interests 🤨
If you are willing to risk freedom and life, at least get some combat training.
Ask any Russian
We already know they hate the IRS so if agents are dismissed and law enforcement is decimated who is left to track millions of non-filers?
Boycott April 15
How do you stop? Quit your job? Stop buying groceries, gas, utilities?
I loved watching it as well, have plenty of jerseys, but it lost me.
#EatTheRich #BoycottTheNFL #FuckRogerGoodell
Kelce can keep his "honor."
ALso email the NFL and tell them that their bullshit fucked the joy of the game up for you. I did :)
we are in a war....
I don't feel like going to prison.
this is a start :) and find other ways to not obey...i tore a fucking tag off my mattress 😂
In all seriousness, the little things matter, I adore the dude sticking trumps "I did this" at stores everywhere right now
Great idea!!!!
I've been thinking the same thing for days now.
Why should we pay when they obviously:
a) have weaseled consistently out of paying their end of the bargin
b) our money will only fuel their fire of domination.
Boycott taxes, empty their coffers!
at this point laws no longer matter, they do not follow them
we must become ungovernable
paying taxes is obeying
paying back SBA loans to them is obeying
paying back the FEMA loans is obeying
Just to add two, here's where you can go to contact all your congressman senators representatives. Ask them why they don't care about your health and safety. Definitely bug them. Make sure they're doing their job for you 😉
paying federal taxes id obeying
is a fuckingfollow.