That's good that they eventually consulted ortho and found a spine, but they were 🦗 🦗 during the RFK Jr confirmation hearings - when their advocacy just might have had a chance of preventing this mess altogether.
"since the CDC can't." This is madness. Trump wants us to live in a vacuum. We are to be kept uninformed so that nothing reflects badly on his presidency. This lunatic is going to kill us!
Don't forget that trump is a Russian asset (has been since 1987, per 2 ex-KGB men) & is *trying* to weaken America to make Putin happy so he can then start a war with the U.S. & steal our country like he is stealing Ukraine!!
So, why are we, the American people, paying taxes for the CDC when we should obviously be sending it to those who CAN and WILL use it to help us, like The American Medical Association? Our government is ripping us off and leaving us to die.
They could if they wanted to. They're refusing to address health issues. This administration the federal government wants you dead. With you dead they can give more money to themselves into the other 1%. Sickening.Criminal.
As people start dying as they already have, we need to sue these morons
I do not expect to survive the coming CW2. But I figure if I can take out 2-3 RedHats before they get me, I'll go out of here a happy man... and hopefully leave a constitutional republic standing for my daughter, and possible grandchildren.
The world does not revolve around DEI. The sun does not rise and set on DEI. There are millions of government employees who are NOT DEI hires, who will be losing jobs, pensions, homes, vehicles. Custody of their kids. All so billionaires can stuff more $$$ and crypto into their pockets.
A day late and $1 short.
Great to know.
Thank you. This is great info.
CEOs are more like leeches than real men.
As people start dying as they already have, we need to sue these morons
Over and out.