Dear dem leadership,
If your plan is to sit on your thumbs and hope things get so bad that people might vote for you again, you'll get run out of town.
The oligarchs are playing for keeps.
Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, or get out of the way and let others take the helm.
If your plan is to sit on your thumbs and hope things get so bad that people might vote for you again, you'll get run out of town.
The oligarchs are playing for keeps.
Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, or get out of the way and let others take the helm.
We need an opposition party.
*clap* *clap* *clap*
A constituency is a body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.
So unless you live in his district, you are not his constituent.
Words have specific meanings.
Army was busy planning
When Reagan won, he enacted a whole raft of stupid policies. The Dem response?
"We will give them what they ask for, and when folks see how bad things get, they will put us back in charge."
Today, we talk about the "Reagan Revolution."
Gephardt failed.
Are there people willing to do this? I ask because I know my limits and all I can do is help
He was all smiles a week ago walking out of the Capitol rotunda after the inauguration.
Klobuchar also was smiling.
The founding fathers put their lives on the line to bequeath the 🇺🇸 ideals to our time in defiance of criminal kings.
It's 🇺🇸 to the core.
Our governmental statutes need enforcement by Congress and Judiciary.
That is the job.
I'm not sure it's prudent now because everyone's so fed up, but it has worked in the past.
#AuditNAZIElmo #DefundNAZIElmo #DeportNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
What the Hell is going on that we see nothing except emails for money?
What are you doing House Democrats, Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, all Democrat Congresspersons?
This is happening on YOUR watch! 🇺🇸🗽⚖️
If magats want what they want, let them burn. Let the magats punch themselves out.
I am screaming for someone to f*cking grow a pair and step up to fight for our democracy.
Go toe to toe with the GOP, not cowering in a corner.
Reps could crash the economy, careen us into a recession with tariffs and still win elections...because of gerrymandering, stacked courts and their hold over the media.
Dems have to fight. Or they're fucked.
I’m still very hurt that we didn’t do the minimum & demand a #SwingStateHandCount. At the very least you owed us that much. I wrote all of you & heard nothing back from any of my legislators. I’ve closed my now empty wallet.
Vive la revolution!
Vive la resistance!
if cringe were superpower Dems would be undefeated
even in a world with Lauren Boebert
Thai doesn’t mean they are bowing down to Trump
The Republicans who have the power are the ones without spines
Why? it weakens the Democrats!
If we want to save our Country we better start focusing on rebuilding the Democratic Party
If you think they need to be tougher call them don’t troll them here
Or we will keep heading further in to this mess
We have an opportunity to flip the house & senate & then the Dems will have power to Stan up to this administration
It’s embarrassing.
People in the real world doing real jobs don’t spend their time quoting scripture and talking about God all the time:
We do need to let people who voted for Trump feel the repercussions of their stupidity.
But we also have to be there to offer solutions.
Hakeem Jeffries & Chuck Schumer should be standing in the grocery stores screaming about $8 dozen eggs!!
Stop taking the high, educated road 😡
Sometimes the low, dirty road is the only option.
I imagine many Dems will appease Trump because they can afford to.
Consequences might be the only way to reach them.
I need to think about this approach.
No one listens when women talk or scream.
You thoughts???
and learn to play the sitar?
"Curate your inbounds" meaning as few sources as possible that consistently report info you "need".
/works for me