Reminds me of a high school bully. A new kid showed up, recent immigrant from Ireland. Bully tried with him.
“Does Declan mean you’re a ######?”
He was quite shocked when Declan Malone, all 5’3, 90 lbs of him, wasn’t having it.
The bloody nose was the final exclamation point on “Don’t fook wi’ me!”
Trump be like, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me! Kneel and be GRATEFUL to me."
Zelensky be like, "Um... you're no god. We are equals, if I'm in a kind mood. If not, perhaps you'd be happier playing cards with your little fascist friends?"
They seem to have forgotten how it was before they became eunuchs in tRump's harem. Now they only live to serve their master.
Real men stand up for themselves and their country as Mr Zelenskyy demonstrated.
It's a shame that our country is "led" by a bunch of castrati.
I've been reading foreign newspapers & donnie sure made a BIG ass of himself. They are & will stick with Ukraine.
Sad that the magats think donnie did a good job along w/his side kick vance baby. I am so disgusted, it is hard to put in words. donnie/vance were nothing but bullies. Bullies=Cowards
I dont ever want to hear anyone say Rubio is a conservative, an intelligence or security guru or has the USA in his heart - he is a puddle of pee! We should nickname him Poppy!
Meanwhile, comedian warrior Zelenskyy has recovered from their little tantrum, crossed an ocean, and informed Stamer and King Charles he can manage the White House.
red hat magats were well warned about this but they chose to put their faith in newsmax fairytales and facebook memes/reels. So… now they delivered power into the hands of a tyrannical few and fucked the future of generations to come.
God must see it this way as well. God told them give to the poor and they follow Trumps take from the poor. Im not religious however I feel for God right now.
It's frightening to think that Trump is trying to turn this place into an absolute Island. He's pushing away allies. He's blocking other countries and we're stuck with him for 4 years. We will have no recourse. Other countries are not interested in us already and this is the way it will be.
Within a patriarchy, to gain status you must subordinate yourself to a higher status man. Your power and authority is lent from this man. When Zelenskyy negates Trump's status, he negates the status of every man under him. It's kinda fraught.
Damn, maybe that's what Rubio was actually channeling: "petulant envy"
*Muttering- whys he get to have a spine... stupid spines... I look like a lap dog... I mean I am a lap dog, BUT... Hope JD didn't take a shine to this couch...
Republicans behave like they're afraid of Trump. Who they should be afraid of are their constituents. We're ones who hold the power & Republicans had better start realizing it.
They seemingly have no idea that not a single other person or group of people outside of the American Republican fears or respects Donald Trump. Every other person and group on the planet sees him as a moron and has no respect for, or fear of him whatsoever. Putin 100% included there.
For them it's a Mean Girls world. Cruel. Intolerant. No skill or ability required. Just malice. They elevate themselves by finding reasons to hate and blame, a way to justify the master plan for a closed network of corruption & personal favours.
This!! My thoughts exactly. Rubio looked like he was worried his big brother Z was about to get a beating for not cowering in front of abusive drunk dad.
Yes our incredible President Zelenskyy play them like a fiddle and in the proccess they both almost had a brain aneurism. It was refreshing to watch them both lose their minds like toddler's but only one was sitting in dirty diaper and his diaper gene was to busy spewing hate to change him
I'm of a mind they are all facists towing the facist party line. I don't think they are afraid, befuddled or conflicted. They grovel for a higher seat at the facist table. They want all of this shit.
I love you! You're the only person besides me that I know of that used the term "lickspittles" to describe these idiots! At least someone else knows the word! :) :) (And, yes, RepubliCANTS just don't recognize class when they see it anymore.)
“Does Declan mean you’re a ######?”
He was quite shocked when Declan Malone, all 5’3, 90 lbs of him, wasn’t having it.
The bloody nose was the final exclamation point on “Don’t fook wi’ me!”
Zelensky be like, "Um... you're no god. We are equals, if I'm in a kind mood. If not, perhaps you'd be happier playing cards with your little fascist friends?"
Real men stand up for themselves and their country as Mr Zelenskyy demonstrated.
It's a shame that our country is "led" by a bunch of castrati.
Sad that the magats think donnie did a good job along w/his side kick vance baby. I am so disgusted, it is hard to put in words. donnie/vance were nothing but bullies. Bullies=Cowards
I dont ever want to hear anyone say Rubio is a conservative, an intelligence or security guru or has the USA in his heart - he is a puddle of pee! We should nickname him Poppy!
fuck the magats
mindless shitheads
North Korea is there to help Russia !!!
Don't forget rubio slouching on the couch waiting for his turn, warming up the couch for Bowman couch provocateur Vance.
You can stand up to Donald. President Zelensky did, and he's under far more pressure than they'll ever be.
The governor of Maine recently did.
They choose not to.
*Muttering- whys he get to have a spine... stupid spines... I look like a lap dog... I mean I am a lap dog, BUT... Hope JD didn't take a shine to this couch...
I used that word earlier today to describe many of the "news" reporters (opinion makers) in today's media world...
Zelensky can’t accept the lies as truths when so much is at stake. He had to push back in plain sight.
The US is the boiling frog; he’s able to look at it from outside the cauldron.
Mind if I use that???