what about the amazing Krasnov? he will make a deal with Russia on behalf of Ukraine that Russia will violate later as history has proven...for a small mediation fee of only half of Ukraine's mineral resources...such a great deal that you should be so grateful and bow down to the great Krasnov
Every member of Congress knows our peril. Make them declare for the Heritage Foundation or the US of America publicly. Trump is in direct defiance of our Constitution so call a special election of the entire Congress: all parties, vote yes or no, each vote counts as a vote, no electoral college.
Some are of the opinion the mineral rights deal had to be squelched(hence the ambush) because it would require the US to continue supporting Ukraine. They’ll be happier negotiating those rights with Putin after Z is out of the way.
America, diminished. Thank you to the orange traitor and his fellow pond scum for what you've done to us. You do not deserve to be in the whitehouse. You do not represent the growing majority of us. You need to go.
Our so called leadership is a disgrace. When you look at how the so called president and his vice dink have turned on Ukraine, they should never have trusted us and given up their nukes.
I will always correlate Trudeau with the legalization of weed. I mean, if you know the history of WHY it was criminalized, you see the generational cycle breaking. Illinois legalized by popular vote and THAT is ONE of the reasons I live there. I’m sick and tired of shady shit, in every aspect.🧚🤘🧚
Hemingway and George Orwell both volunteered to fight Franco, a dictator and precursor for Nazis. It haunted them they didn’t do more and they knew it and we read it and learn from it and need to apply it!
Soldier’s Home and a gal named Elise helped save my life a bit when I got out of the Navy. My war ‘experience’ is dark and unconventional. I don’t speak of it much because up until recently, no one was ready to hear it.
Well it’s possible that the business with Zelenskyy will force that but I expect he received the invitation as a quid pro quo for something. Possibly Epstein related.
As long as the Americans and Trump aren't in the negotiations, they can't be trusted. Just imagine Trumps face if the Europeans get a lasting peace and the Americans lose out on the rare earth minerals Trump wanted so badly.
They will get the RARE EARTH MINERALS deal that Trump blew up Friday. Art of the deal. This guy was the FART of the deal. Once again AMERICA is embarrassed.
What a sad time for democracy and the free world. Trumps' regime attacked their traditional allies with threats to implement tariffs and in some cases to their actual sovereignty. This is not the way the leader of the free world act. Trump and his fascist regime support the "axis of evil". Russia!
By not repudiating Trump-republicans are signalling their support of Putin as well. Nice to finally know what the truth about how republican party actually thinks of Americans. It is all about power, money, greed and control.
The American people are nothing but cash cows to support the tax cuts to the rich. How many of them are personally benefiting from the cuts? What will it take for republicans to acknowledge "we the people"?
They are also leaving America behind. While American's by massive numbers are mad as hell about the clown show, these countries also have to look at America being dumb enough or to lazy to vote to make sure this disaster didn't happen.
Behaving the way real adults behave. Not looking for their ego’s to be stroked. Not giving one crap if he wore a suit or not. Mostly, not trying to make a deal for themselves or the asshole in Russia.
Sounds like they’re doing what the #MobBossInChief refused to do: have guarantees of Ukraine’s sovereignty & security. Why should Ukraine agree to a deal brokered by someone who is very openly pro-KGB Dude, that would leave his country totally screwed?
Ok sofa sexual is really really funny. Thank you.!I haven’t as much as smiled since I witnessed that disgraceful attack on Zelensky in our WH by a pair of Putin Puppets. In fact, I’ve been in tears over it…but sofa sexual is hilarious
If they are discussing security, this should be at the top of the list, priority one. The US has 750 military bases in 80 countries, placed there during the Cold War to protect allies against fascist governments. Now? As a fascist gov the US can use those bases to attack to take over those countries
I think of it as the Puritan Gene. Nature or nurture, it is evident we have a percentage of the population that is afraid of having an orgasm in front of another person.
And he will change the goalposts as needed.
If the trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada is anything to go by, felon 47 simply changes it as he sees fit - like 25%tariffs
See trump? It isn't hard to have level-headed meetings on the fly, instead of ridiculous theater for our main ENEMIES, and destroying our democracy and relationships with the world.
Who will be writing your next tantrum tweet-Miller? Rubio? Luna?
Putz. Liar. Fool. Idiot.
There is a certain degree of courage in Trudeau being so vocal. It is good politically for the Liberals, but it also commits Canada to a fight with the US if they retain power. It also makes it harder for PP and the Conservatives to undo it all.
The disgusting thing about this is it should be unnecessary. To end this war and move Putin back to Russia only required trump to announce that he would supply Ukraine with unlimited amounts of modern US weaponry
What a group of dishevelment govt officials in oval
Well Rubio sat there on the couch and wondered his senate position was better or this outcome
Another devaluation to experience
Learn to lead or lean on the scale to eventually loose to the weights & measurements group of fairness
It totally befuddles me that anyone with any self-awareness and ethics goes to work for Trump now knowing what they know. Why would Rubio set himself up for this humiliation? Haven't they learned anything?
Also they have a devious greenhorn greed
Rick Wilson points out his assessment of why those shed their philosophies and hitch up to Dt
I am watching this train wreck & criminal organization
W/Putin hooked in to it all
It’s even sadder to see naive people
consume blatantly fresh ignorance, info
They won’t
It’s some blind trust of extra pay or if you don’t we’ll damn your existence
If you notice the pugs who go along they are obtuse & groveling
Reluctantly like they know it’s going to go bad, hoping some Jesus character saves them . But R’s play politics as usual
He signed up for daily log rolls for fun too
Hope he has a back up plan to get of counsel or a massage therapy or yoga lessons
Maybe invest in a winery or vineyard
Buy a subterranean greenhouse w/ a bunker, walk in freezer
He’d be well known in area fresh greens & Rubio sandwiches
Let's get real. They don't need the US. They could make quick work of Moscow within two months. The longer they wait the stronger Russia becomes as it is adapts to modern weapons.
We need to be and it’s the first time that I’ve actually 100% approved of JT’s stance. I have already sold two of my properties there to community housing development companies and I have sold off any investments I have. Soon, nothing there will be worth a dime anyway.🇨🇦👊🏽🍁
He has certainly made the rest of the free world more united, I would like to think that yes he might be the downfall of Trump, but I doubt Trump will go easily, he owes Putin a debt and he’ll be used until that debt is paid
I love that they're pointing in tandem!
I noticed felon47 & the Sofasexual were both making almost synchronized hand gestures, pointing.
Mr. Shouty turned up early and off it went.
Steven Miller Production? Cannon?
Thank you!!! Canada. Thank you!!! Britain. Thank you!!! EU God bless Ukraine and President Zelenskyy. Victory and Peace for Ukraine! Zelenskyy is like David and Putin + Trump are like Goliath. David (Zelenskyy) will prevail!
20% of Russian Amer where I live in LA. There is R mafia. They own taxi drivers MID east guys must pay$ to drive even ubers! They own pawn shops & FENCE stolen&trafikking Russo friend says IN TRUMPLAND we KNOW WE CAN GET AWAY W CRIME. No need 2 hide now. Sure CA AG may get us but fed courts NO!
Also not written: Since we 🇨🇦 aren't partners anymore of US, are getting closer to Europe and might eventually ask to join 🇪🇺 union since we share a land border with Danmark on Hans island.
And we hope you give Ukraine what they need. We hope you help regain their land. We will help you $$. As US citizens, we are not going to support 47 or his lying Administration.
Thank you Canada, UK, and EU for backing Zelens'kyi and opposing Trump and Putin. Together you have enough power to defend Ukraine against Putin and Trump. There are many Americans, including many elected officials, that are with Ukraine. And we will fight with you even if it means opposing Trump.
Yup... "The grown ups need to get together , in order to try to handle this fallout as graciously as possible, following the usual gastrointestinal tantrums"
I'm ashamed but not surprised by our Federal leaders -- in ALL 3 branches of our government. You know what happens when a tree dies? You cut it down. We need to plant a new tree that promotes democracy and wants to grow into a Democratic Republic, not another branch of an Axis of Evil!!!
Sadly, things will have to get a lot worse before they can get better. MAGA needs to die a horrible death, and that won’t happen until the majority of MAGAs get fucked over by Trump (which is all but inevitable). Only then will spineless Congressional Republicans begin to stand up to Trump
I like that analogy cuz I love trees but imagine how happy Putin would be if we’d cut down our government. And imagine the chaos while a new one is growing into a functional entity. I’m more for pruning after spraying for pests.
Me too ! If I had any idea of how to draw, I'd draw an ashamed sofa testifying at Vance's divorce in front of the court, admitting it was JD's affair !
An Ikea Drama taking place in the living room. Here's the pitch.
Defying all convention, a man and a sofa decide to love each other despite the obstacles that stand in their velvet-upholstered way. Unfortunately, tragedy, in the form of a fatal loss of upholstery, awaits them at the end of the road.
Great photo. Love sofasexual. Perfection. I also heard that the US was 10th in sending assistance to Ukraine. With this info, and this photo, i do not fear Ukraines fate.
@aoc.bsky.social @schiff.senate.gov @sanders.senate.gov they are keeping the promise America broke. At what point do you need to be at to say enough is enough??? We are cowards, we are now liars and our allies will NEVER trust us again.
Jasmine Crockett is the fighter America needs. Too many discount her due to gender and race. Remember she got elected as a black, female Democrat in -TEXAS.
These Dems that are now afraid of progressive values are infuriating! Progressive values were what was once great about our country. Granted, not quite as generous as other developed countries, but this greedy conservatism shit hasn't helped anyone before so it's not going to help anyone now!
You mean, JD hides while peaceful protesters line the streets. If this is an example of JD under pressure (mild though it was), he's an absolute disgrace to his country.
Trudeau may well be better than his father (despised Pierre) and is showing up as a statesman, as opposed to Krasnov, who is a barely sentient Russian asset. (That was the kind way to put it. I was going to say barely continent.)
Alberta is the richest jurisdiction in North America (per capita). Richer then Delaware, known for the most millionaires. But the Libs?
Pierre T. wanted to build a pipeline across Canada but AB (Klein) told the East to freeze in the dark. Huge opportunity for AB but AB hates Pierre . Get over it.
I've said that for probably 25 years. I grew up primarily in coal country and they are not grasping diversification. They're actually regressing in some ways. Couple that with a corrupt UCP party (just like ON Tories). My dad's last job was on a wind power test project for the AB gov't
Their should be no dealing with Russia except to tell them to get the hell out of Ukraine and go home!!!
Trump/Vance embarrassed the 🇺🇸
This was a set up for a media photo op
Ukraine should just offer European NATO countries access to all the Rare Earth Minerals to be found in the lands of the Former Russia, after the occupation by Ukrainian forces.
Trump keeps saying he is playing 3D chess when he is actually playing Go Fish. Why aren't Republicans turning on him? Surely they can find 5 who love their country and aren't pedophiles or rapists.
President Manbaby wasted billions spent on goodwill for Ukraine. America is never going to get those minerals now. The billions we’ve spent just wiped out in one meeting. If a CFO did this they’d be fired, not to mention the situation called actually called for a statesman not a businessman.
According to Usha JD has lush lower lashes and does not wear eyeliner so let’s move on from that. His gross views are more an issue than does he wear eyeliner or not, yeah?
If he got eyeliner tattoos he was very young and he was a poor kid so eh. He’s like Nestor Carbonell and other actors that look like they wear eye liner. Fun to mock them but just natural lol. His views on things, those are gross and we should mock away. His gross views are by choice
US men in makeup try to represent us to a country, down dressing because of war. No ability to relate or have compassion. Their deal was a steal from a war torn country.
Petition to ban X in Canada and Germany. Trudeau and Carney are on bluesky as , unfortunately is PP. AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Pete Buttigieg, Adam Kinsinger, Jamie Raskin and many pro-democracy Podcaster are on bluesky. It's changing.
Haha, je ne suis pas Française, mais ma langue maternelle est le français (langue officielle du Québec, Canada) donc rien à voir avec la France, mais c'est vrai que j'arrive à mieux m'exprimer qu'en anglais que je maitrise un peu. Je ne dénigre que les magas !😁
I am convinced EVEN MORE THAN EVER, our boycotts need to be permanent, our wallets quiet; let the corporations that put this man in office feel the wrath when their stocks plummet. Let us buy only what we absolutely 💯 need. Buy from companies that support our America. OUR democracy depends on it
And guess who will take credit for ending that war. Uh huh. "I got the Europeans to finally understand they should be doing this. It was all my doing." Or something like that. It should be on our "tRump screws the World" bingo card.
I wonder if Vladdy anticipated the global pushback, if tRUmp and JV went off script when fatty had his meltdown. Was that all part of it and anticipated or is Vlad pissed that the world is like “fuck off, we’llhandle this ourselves”?
Trump’s shakedown of President Zelensky demonstrated his lack of negotiation skills
and his unwavering loyalty to Putin.
Hooray to Canada and the other NATO countries for helping Ukraine 🌻🇺🇦
When you say “sofasexual” are you referring to our JD, I mean JD our token VP? I just want to get this straight JD sofasexual Vance is that his real name?
I’m gonna start saying that now!!
The whole dog and pony show was for Putin, and Zelensky knew it.
There is no fixing this, because IL DOUCHE is too conceited.
absolutely true - he's been bought, lock, stock and barrel
But Donny
When she sees a Real Man she just can't help herself
She even has tictacs. She just kisses them..
When she's famously married to a pathetic lil man, she's allowed to do it.
He governs that way in Canada and has a lot of compassion for others.
Looking at the 80+ million who didn't vote.
Start your sentences as such: Not being under putins' wing, we are... and then the rest!
If the trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada is anything to go by, felon 47 simply changes it as he sees fit - like 25%tariffs
Who will be writing your next tantrum tweet-Miller? Rubio? Luna?
Putz. Liar. Fool. Idiot.
I got that vibe.
Well Rubio sat there on the couch and wondered his senate position was better or this outcome
Another devaluation to experience
Learn to lead or lean on the scale to eventually loose to the weights & measurements group of fairness
Rick Wilson points out his assessment of why those shed their philosophies and hitch up to Dt
I am watching this train wreck & criminal organization
W/Putin hooked in to it all
It’s even sadder to see naive people
consume blatantly fresh ignorance, info
It’s some blind trust of extra pay or if you don’t we’ll damn your existence
If you notice the pugs who go along they are obtuse & groveling
Reluctantly like they know it’s going to go bad, hoping some Jesus character saves them . But R’s play politics as usual
Hope he has a back up plan to get of counsel or a massage therapy or yoga lessons
Maybe invest in a winery or vineyard
Buy a subterranean greenhouse w/ a bunker, walk in freezer
He’d be well known in area fresh greens & Rubio sandwiches
They prefer setteephiles.
Anything to stop and get rid of Trump and his dictatorship
The western world would be ecstatic.
I noticed felon47 & the Sofasexual were both making almost synchronized hand gestures, pointing.
Mr. Shouty turned up early and off it went.
Steven Miller Production? Cannon?
Y'all are putting hope in the hearts of many
Time for a jet vacation !!
Sufficiently egregious bullying has allowed other countries to publicly band together. The US will suffer for trumps bullying tactics and corruption.
It backfired bigly.
( screenshot from @bostonglobe.com today)
Defying all convention, a man and a sofa decide to love each other despite the obstacles that stand in their velvet-upholstered way. Unfortunately, tragedy, in the form of a fatal loss of upholstery, awaits them at the end of the road.
Pierre T. wanted to build a pipeline across Canada but AB (Klein) told the East to freeze in the dark. Huge opportunity for AB but AB hates Pierre . Get over it.
Like really their plan was to lecture him into surrender… bunch of morons
Trump/Vance embarrassed the 🇺🇸
This was a set up for a media photo op
As an American - NOTHING FOR THIS GOVERNMENT - us real people are so sorry
The two 🐱🐱 we have at the helm here are Putin stooges and the whole world sees it.
What an embarrassment for our once great country.
Dems need to enlist Generals Mattis & Miley as consultants/liaisons w/US Military
when I say Dems, I mean in positions of power in every level of gov't ... they must be one thing now. And know their options
We’re ruled by megalomaniacs of that there’s no debating
#resist #barsnotwars
Would be interesting to know.
and his unwavering loyalty to Putin.
Hooray to Canada and the other NATO countries for helping Ukraine 🌻🇺🇦